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Instructor Samantha St. Claire I definitely don't want to miss any of your classes  or fall short?

  • 1 Replies

Estimados, Su ayuda deseo agregar la opción chat a mi curso como lo haria? Saludos, Yrene

  • 2 Replies

Dear Nameless Entity, How do I access the Cabrillo Library database to get online access to various internet research sites? I used Google to search for Sociology of Gender papers, and found only abrstracts; to access the full research paper, require...

  • 1 Replies

I tried my best to do proper DD here, but I don't see a specific answer to my question. Is it possible to create an admin role that only has the ability to access the "View Notifications" tab under "Admin Tools" without also granting that role edit r...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello-  I'm automating the archiving of our course content for our department using the Canvas REST API. So far I am VERY pleased! The only part that is not working is creating a new course export using the API.  I use

  • 3 Replies

It's me again. So I have a weirder issue: I had this project back in 1st semester, November. It was due Nov 3, I submitted Nov 1 and I got a 90% on it. For some reason, second semester comes around (3rd quarter) and I keep seeing it in "grades" and I...

  • 2 Replies

Ok so, my teacher had posted the same assignment twice in one day- giving it different titles, though. So I submitted it twice, and he only graded one of them (got a 100 though!). My question is: if he never touches that other one and it's left ungra...

  • 2 Replies

Hello everyone,  I have a few pages on Canvas that use tables in order to create specific layouts and colours, but I am aware that this can create accessibility issues, including for screen readers.  My tables have been flagged up by my accessibility...

  • 1 Replies

I'm a TA. My supervising professor's attendance policy allows for three unexcused absences, with the final grade losing two percentage points for every subsequent unexcused absence. Is this possible to integrate into the Gradebook with the Roll Call ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I'm new to Canvas instructor. I was trying to connect to an LTI 1.3 provider through the Free-for-Teachers account. I received the following: Domain   Redirect URLs   Open Id Connect Lo...

  • 3 Replies

I have been using Canvas as a teacher for years, today was my first attempt to create a test bank.  It says that only have 63 unfiled questions.  I have hundreds of questions in my quizzes, I'm not understanding why they are not in this list. I'm wan...

  • 1 Replies

It is a little annoying every time I navigate to a certain page to get this reminder crop up, with no way to snooze or ignore it. I can't do the surveys because of cookie settings on my computer, and it is starting to get irritating that there is no ...

  • 1 Replies

Has anyone done a comparison of Cirqlive vs Cisco for Webex LTI integration? We are looking at switching from Cirqlive to Cisco's integration tool and I'm tasked with comparisons for Pros and Cons

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Is there a guide that explicitly explains what does and doesn't go on the To Do list?  It is a great tool, but I don't want to assume something is there and then it isn't.  If there is no guide, can someone weigh in on my list below for accuracy? On ...

  • 1 Replies

Yesterday morning, I updated my firefox web browswer. When I tried to use the Speedgrader function afterwards, I noticed that the highlighter obliterated my text - as if it a marker rather than a highlighter. The text isn't visible underneath the hig...

  • 8 Replies

Name: Galvin Ngo Institution: Ateneo de Manila University Course: Creativity and Problem Awareness Audience: This design is for higher education students.   PROCESS When your institution or course needed a solution, what were the "must-haves" or goa...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, We already do the setup of Canvas with our tools. Unfortunately, we could not get the id token to redirect to our tools. But we already get all the data required to integrate Canvas with our tools(iss,logint_hint,target_link,lti_message). We keep...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi  I have a staff member who wants to set a grading schema like this: Competent - 100% to 99% Not Yet Competent - < 99% to 0% This sets up fine but when it comes to use the schema it displays as: Competent < 94% to 93% Not Yet Competent < 93% to 0% ...

  • 4 Replies

I have three groups of students in my canvas course who have self-sorted based on their area of interest.  Each grouping is going to getting different assignments, but each student still must work individually on their assignment.  I used the "groups...

  • 1 Replies

I duplicated a quiz from the fall to use as review for state testing. I changed the title and due date but it continues to show the students' old scores.   I thought by changing the title and due date, it would be like a brand new assignment.   Any i...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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We are hosted and our Test instance is LDAP enabled. Is it possible for me to set up a local  admin account ? "not LDAP".  I am trying to test Azure SSO. I want to make sure I can login as local admin to undo the changes. CSM is trying to sell me sup...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, Trying to add a Google Cloud assignment to Canvas using the External Tool.  After selecting the Cloud Doc, getting this message "external tool cant be saved without URL".   Any suggestions on what this issue might be or how to fix it? Thank yo...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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We are currently developing an LTI 1.3 application to integrate with Canvas. For that we install an "LTI Key" Developer Key in Canvas. The application will also need to have access to the Canvas API, so that LTI Key alone isn't enough. For testing pu...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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My assignments were working fine today, and then during this class period assignments started showing up grey and students could not see them. All of the assignments are published, the module is published, and the date available on the assignments ar...

  • 3 Replies

Hello,  For our thesis assignment we have two assessors that look at the same assignment. It would be handy if these assessors can use the same SpeedGrader to give grading and feedback, but not see each other's feedback and grading.  I do not think C...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I had a final exam today, halfway through my connection was gone (despite still having wifi bars) for about 5 seconds. At this time, Canvas and my Zoom invigilation were reconnecting. I knew my internet was back when zoom reconnected.   I finished th...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to print a list of assignment due dates and activities from List view in the Dashboard? Our courses are set up by module, so using the Assignment Tab only produces a list of assignments in one module. I would like one running list of a...

  • 2 Replies

I use the free Canvas option to teach my classes. I have started running into issues where students can't upload their projects, and after advising them to make sure the file size is not too big, some are still running into this issue. They say they ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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I am working with a teacher to troubleshoot the Grade Passback from Canvas to Synergy (SIS).  We keep getting an error message that reads, "Cannot read property 'assignment_group_id' of undefined."  Does anyone know what this means?  I figured this w...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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