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Hi I am considering the use of blueprint courses at our school. I would like a master course which someone like the Head of Department has access to and organises content/settings etc. Eg. Year 12 Economics ....and then have all the classes associate...

  • 3 Replies

How do I restrict students from downloading Zoom recordings?    

  • 1 Replies

Somehow the sidebar with topics like modules, discussions, media, grades, ect. disappeared.  It makes it very difficult to navigate while in each class.  Does anyone know what happened and how to fix it.  I went through all the settings and did not s...

  • 4 Replies

I had a user contact me regarding a course shell they were added to as a T.A. and their inability to view certain student's submitted work for grading.  I took a look and noticed that the students that they couldn't view were from the cross-listed se...

  • 3 Replies

I copy a quiz from semester 1 course to semester 2 course. It states quiz in unpublished module. I make a copy of the same quiz within semester 2 course, make sure it is published.  Now students can see it and take it.  Why do I need this second copy...

  • 5 Replies

I want to setup a locker signup system. One where students can signup for a particular locker, then once they do, it's removed from the list. Is that something that could be done with Canvas? Microsoft forms has limited functionality, and won't be ab...

  • 4 Replies

How do I post an introduction in my course forum

  • 1 Replies

Hi all, Looking for some community help! I am a teacher who helps out when teachers have technical issues. I have a teacher who is having issues on the "Edit Assignment" page.  Dates are added, but do not appear on the teacher's viewable page. (I can...

  • 6 Replies

Double badges and empty colums in the report  

  • 5 Replies

I have withdrawn this unit 2022-HS 10002-Engineering Materials (Semester 1). However, it is still showing that as my semester 1 course in canvas. why is it happening? Please help.

  • 1 Replies

I can see several different names on my course (see pictures). The list says one name, but when I enter the course settings, I see two other names. How do I change the name in the first picture (Alströmer 21/22)?  

  • 6 Replies

My Discussions are not pinned, but they are not sorting by most recent activity.  Earlier, closed discussions are staying at the top of the list of discussion, while the current active discussion remains buried at sixth on the list.  Last semester th...

  • 4 Replies

I taught MATH 171 last summer but have a couple of students with an incomplete. I am trying to allow the students to retake the quizzes and exams, but Canvas is not allowing me to make any changes to the course (presumably because the course is over)...

  • 2 Replies

  Hello, How to change to view on Announcements? Remove the cross out eye.   Thank you, Canvas user/teacher

  • 1 Replies

I was trying to find a list of the supported file types. I found however, I wasn't sure if this list was accurate for inline / overlap preview...

  • 1 Replies

Excuse me, I am registered a while ago on the electronic platform with my Facebook account, and today when I log in this message appears to me: (Sorry, this feature is currently unavailable: an error occurred while processing this request.) What is...

  • 1 Replies

I have assignment groups set up. There are multiple assignments in a group. If the assignments in that group are worth different point values, are they weighted differently inside that group? Second question: I added an assignment to a group and the ...

  • 5 Replies

I have two accounts Is there away to connect both accounts In to one ?

  • 2 Replies

Ahoy all, I feel like I've done something wrong or it's counterintuitive. Issue: Posting announcements is sending to my external email but not to my internal Canvas Inbox. I thought the internal notice was a default. My searches for help are coming u...

  • 1 Replies

I have re-graded a question in "new quizzes", and I would like to leave feedback to this question for all students (not just one at a time). Is there a way to do this for students who have already submitted the quiz?

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone! I wonder if someone could help me with this issue... I've installed Canvas LMS on a cloudserver running Ubuntu 20.04. It works fine! But when I try to edit a page, the Files tab is disabled and the links fail to load in the Links tab. I'...

  • 4 Replies

When I attach a file (e.g., a PDF file) to my "assignment comments" in SpeedGrader, it seems that my students can see these files but I cannot see them (e.g., if I want to check if I have attached the correct file or if I want to see the comments tha...

  • 7 Replies

Particles produced by 3D printers negatively impact indoor air quality and may not be safe, especially in poorly ventilated rooms. Since all 3D printing items contain a certain level of toxic material content, they tend to emit fumes when melted. Rev...

  • 1 Replies

I need a technical support... I can't able to upload image in my site and when try to upload an image it shows the error like "Something went wrong, try again after refreshing the page".  Could anyone please tell me why this happening... Thanks

  • 1 Replies

Hi, the recommended article for delete a course does not work; there is no "delete" option under Settings. Thank you, S Shepard

  • 9 Replies

Hi all Is it possible to include student numbers(Login-id) on Canvas Attendance page?? Currently they are just showing the names. Is there a settings for the student number to be appear on Canvas Attendance??   They appear in the attendance report b...

  • 1 Replies

As a training organisation, we receive new students who start each week. What is the best way to organise the students as they still need to only have access to one unit at a time but can start anywhere in the course. 

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

Grade book allows you to message all students who don't turn in assignments at the same time. Reaching out makexender s students feel seen. I get way more replies to those messages than anything else. omegle

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

The Google doc. tab is no longer showing up when my students try to submit an assignment in Canvas. I have several work arounds for this but it was much more efficient when the student could just click on the Google doc. tab and then select the file ...

  • 4 Replies

I often use "fill in multiple blanks" type questions in my CANVAS assignments that involve filling in tables. My approach is to build a table and put the answer vectors in each cell as below: I noticed that New Quiz engine doesn't allow tables in th...

  • 2 Replies