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The highest score to keep option has been selected, but the default grade is still the last submission. This issue was raised a few years ago and i am wondering if it has been resolved? Or is there a recommended solution. Individual adjustments is no...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I want to use Google to login to our self-hosted Canvas, when I look at the documentation about integrating Google and Canvas all points to using SAML but I want to know why and how to use just "Google" as it appears in the Identity Providers ...

  • 1 Replies

How do I schedule an appointment so I can enroll in the fall?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, Is it possible to restrict users to SSO when they are able to use it (i.e., students and faculty) but still leave the Canvas login available as well for parents and others? Thanks!

  • 3 Replies

Canvas Engineers, I am an instructor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, teaching Business writing and Technical Comm. Peer review is one of the assignments we use.  During my summer class right now, I noticed that reviewers were able to see each...

  • 1 Replies

Encountered an issue with the Note Taker function becoming disabled when Polling Questions are inserted into the Modules. Is there a way to leave the Note Taker feature available to students within Modules containing Poll Questions? Thank you

  • 2 Replies

I have started using pace plans for my students. I have an open/entry open/exit classroom, meaning I have new students start at the beginning of each month as students finish up the course. Each month I will start a new group pace plan. My instructor...

  • 5 Replies

Hello all, We are a new startup company (i.e. not an education institution) and are exploring some ideas for an LTI app that's deep integrated with Canvas. We have been using the open-source version of Canvas to test our ideas but we've just realized...

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Canvas Question Forum
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My Dashboard was fully loaded with courses I've taken, but today I can only load a few courses from the All Courses tab but not the ones I want to see.

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The course I am enrolled in MAT 103 MATH FOR LIBERAL ARTS will not show up on my courses section. I am enrolled and my course starts Monday so I assume the institution has not updated canvas. 

  • 1 Replies

Hi Everyone, Has anyone figured out how to use Canvas to track the new DOE requirements for regular and substantive interaction and monitoring using Canvas?  If you have figured out a good plan, can you share it here?   I was thinking that institutio...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I want to arrange the columns (rows in the student's view) in the grade book based on an order that makes sense in my courses. It seems that Canvas only allows arrangement by the due date or alphabetic order. Is there a way around this?  Thank you. 

  • 1 Replies

I cross-listed some sections of two of my groups.... I created a new "course" (Archive) to send the lists into it. I just thought that way I could put away some of the sections from my course, keeping only the ones of the groups of the next teaching ...

  • 1 Replies

Will patients with kidney failure be able to control their high blood pressure better with a modified diet compared to those taking prescribed medications?  P- Who? Kidney Failure patients   What? High blood pressure management I – diet modification ...

  • 1 Replies

We have found that the current Gradebook assignment passback is not a viable solution for us, as it limits the way that we have implemented Canvas.  We actually want all of our teachers to differentiate assignments in their gradebook. The current syn...

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Canvas Question Forum
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What is meant or what does Checkout and Gateway entail?

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Is there a difference between using the "Course Dates" in the Course Settings and clicking on the "Concluding a Course" in the Course Settings?   I don't think that there is but just want to double check.   Thanks. 

  • 4 Replies

Hi, I have assignment groups, which total to 60%, assigned to all students. I then have two more assignment groups, each worth 40%, with students being assigned only one of these two assignment groups. This means that each student has assignments ass...

  • 5 Replies

Some of our instructors are having an issue where a student will reserve an appointment through the Canvas scheduler the previous day, but the reservation will not show up for the instructor until it's too late to make that appointment. Is this an is...

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I noticed today that the rosters under the Sections screen are now following a different sort algorithm. I don't see any mention of this in the 7/7 deploy notes but from the timing I assume it was part of yesterday's deploy. I personally find this ch...

  • 2 Replies

My students reset their passwords and are now being prevented from accessing Canvas or the "reset password" option. Help!

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Canvas Question Forum
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Will the new quiz engine also be retaining quiz activity logs for only 6 months, or will they be saved indefinitely now?  I understand that the 6 month timeframe applies to the old quiz engine per the documentation here: https://community.canvaslms.c...

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I misspelled the names of two students. How can I edit/correct this?

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Where can the edit function in a previously created Discussion be found, for instructors? Previously, it was there now it is not. 

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Hola buenas tardes, Mi nombre es Areli ELizabeth Cabrera Montes, estoy curso el diplomado de Diagnostico psicopedagogico y no puedo entrar a mis Lecturas desde mi perfil, me aparece ''Accesos Denegado'' 

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Canvas Question Forum
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Help....I can't access my students grades from an exam yesterday.  I think because I reset the parameters after they took the exam yesterday for another student who was writing today.  Is there a way I can go back to access those grades???  

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hi I just finish doing the NTP which was a great traning I have the badges, how do I get my certificate?

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Everytime I attach a file for a submission within Canvas, my browser is forced to lower 1/2" on my screen. This forces the lower edge of the browser below the limit of the screen, thus making some of the relevant image of the browser off screen. This...

  • 1 Replies

I am in the process of writing a basic tool (in PHP at the moment) to use within our institution which gets the current course code from where it was launched from then queries Canvas to get the term start date for that course. The tool then construc...

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