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Buenos días disculpe se me presentó un problema, me reincorpore de 2 meses mediante matrículas rezagados incluso hasta ya pague la pensión... pero ahora que entro a la clase el profesor me dice que tengo 5 inasistencias PERO a mi me llego la invitaci...

  • 1 Replies

Hi!  We currently have the ability for Canvas Support to help with teacher crosslisting turned off.  Anyone have any feedback on allowing it?  I think we were too cautious at first and would love feedback before we make a change.  Thank you!

  • 5 Replies

Dear All, I would like to create a user through API.  I'm referring to the below URL. Could you please provide a sample Json to create a user or class. Thanks.

  • 2 Replies

Dear, I'm referring to the below URL to create a sub-account. I'm passing all five parameters, which mentioned but still, I'm getting errors while creating sub-account.  :

  • 6 Replies

I write on behalf of educators in our College of Education. They have a course space that supports training they provide to state of Maryland educators.  Within the space they link to content that should open in an epub or ibook reader.  They have a ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,  I work at a community college transfer center where we all use Canvas. I created a Canvas course for our office in which I have granted others full access to make changes. However, the coordinator recently asked if we can create a general Can...

  • 1 Replies

I'm preparing a class for the fall semester and want to figure out how to post two sections' worth of files into one of my course shells for next semester. I think that would help for two reasons: First, it would allow me to follow the schedule (of a...

  • 1 Replies

I am using traditional quizzes on Canvas and wanted to ask about question groups. I am creating a quiz that has 1 essay question and some multiple-choice questions. I plan to place the essay question in one question group on its own and have a second...

  • 2 Replies

I am having trouble finding out how to remove a student from a chat room.  The student dropped the course but the chat room indicates that she is on chat?

  • 1 Replies

I use Canvas with two schools. Suddenly, with one school and one browser (Chrome), the display is too large and I think it is viewing in phone mode rather than computer. That particular school's display is fine on other browsers, and the other school...

  • 1 Replies

Al momento de seleccionar la opción de "Los calificadores no pueden ver los nombres de los estudiantes", si uno la deja de seleccionar y vuelve nuevamente a seleccionarla, los estudiantes cambian aleatoriamente?... es decir, si en la primera vez sale...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, We think that the way in which blueprints synchronize with existing courses creates such uncertainty that we have decided to dissociate the course after creation. We create a complex blueprint containing as much static information as possible the...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, We are making a template. On the homepage we have four buttons that links to internal and external content. The hrefs are dummies, and our goal it that the users change it to a href that fits their course (time schedules, course descriptions etc)...

  • 1 Replies

Our LTI tool currently supports the Link Selection placement. Faculty can add links to our content within a module using our External Tool. Our API supports both the ability to add a list of links and add comments. Two questions: With the Link Select...

  • 3 Replies

I get double spacing when typing a text. How do I get single spacing? I have tried shift +enter and different browsers, but still not working.  Thanks!

  • 3 Replies

This is another example of why Canvas should probably just close up shop since it really struggles to deliver on basic features.  When moderating a quiz why do I need to return to the full list of students? How difficult can a 'next student' button b...

  • 6 Replies

I have a simple question.  I can't seem to find how to add a new handout to the handout page and publish the handout for students?

  • 1 Replies

Having a single line option makes the Apple pencil almost unusable unless the student uploads a very large pdf. Having line thickness options would help immensely. 

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I'd like to get your input on which image hosting sites are best to use for Canvas. We used Flickr before but it turns out we cannot host our own image and use the link to our courses. Flickr terminated our account so a great number of courses is...

  • 2 Replies

Students are using the free draw annotation tool but it is not visible when grading with Speedgrader.  Any suggestions?

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I created a Quzzes Next quiz and can see it in my module and in the "Quizzes" area of the course navigation, but when I tried to create a "course link" to it in an announcement (or a page), I could not find it under "Quizzes". I found it under "Assig...

  • 5 Replies

To low respond by contact mail to report ph1s1ng/sp4M, i found it from google search, maybe hundreds of thousands of links

  • 4 Replies

Hi! I am very new to HTML coding in Canvas. I found a great template to create my buttons, but they only show up one per line. I really would like to get them two or even three per line. How do I do that? I would need specific instructions as to wher...

  • 4 Replies

I can GET the quiz_assignment_overrides but can't figure out how to POST.  Here is an example of a quiz that I set up in Canvas with multiple sections and due dates.  I would like to be able to POST this information so it doesn't take as long.   { ...

  • 3 Replies

how to change my personal mailid account to clg mailid account  without deleting my academic courses and account details

  • 1 Replies

Estoy tratando de encontrar mi curso , Técnico superior en Integración social . Mi escuela entro en está plataforma y hasta ahí llegó mi curso donde solo llevaba una semana. Estoy perdida desubicada por favor ayúdenme gracias.

  • 1 Replies

The assignment was to record an answer to a prompt.  The student recorded and submitted the media recording.  I found and graded the file in Speed Grader.  Can I now export/download that media file to another location? 

  • 1 Replies

I have been trying to make a personal course for my band students, and I cannot get a access code, has anyone else had this problem? I'm sure I am just looking in the wrong places, but, I need help. I don't know where to go and have been dealing with...

  • 2 Replies

Reason why I'm asking: We would love to have the Student Annotation tab appear ahead of the File Upload tab. Most students find it easier to annotate directly on the assignment, but there are a few that prefer to print it out and submit a picture/sca...

  • 1 Replies

I created a course.  I authenticate with my  school district Google account. We work in a Skills Center so students come to us with a variety of email accounts.   If I create a course how can students register if they already have a canvas account? M...

  • 1 Replies