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LaTeX equations are not displaying inline in the mobile app. How are STEM instructors to use equation output since the vast majority of our students are using the app?

  • 3 Replies

I have noticed a few older questions surrounding this topic, but wanted to follow-up since I am searching for a different option if possible than having to create a new section. We often will have students that require an incomplete for their course ...

  • 3 Replies

Let's say a student submits an original submission for an assignment on time. I grade it and provide feedback. I allow the student to re-submit for an improved grade. However, that student submits his/her resubmission after the due date. Canvas Grade...

  • 5 Replies

  I am beginning the process of setting up subaccounts for our college.  I was encouraged to do this for reporting purposes for assessing program outcomes.  I am trying to understand the process and have some questions and hope I can explain well eno...

  • 1 Replies

Hello Canvas Admins,  We have deployed Proctorio globally in our environment. I was asked to pull data of Proctorio usage.  Has anyone conquered this task of gathering data of what courses have used Proctorio within a given semester? Thank you!   Kar...

  • 4 Replies

Is there a way to have a TA show up on the grade book?  Context: I have a course where I would like to have mentors and mentees with some instructors. The instructors will be reviewing feedback that the mentors give the mentees and grading them based...

  • 2 Replies

We run many courses in our Canvas account and I'm able to "hide" or unstar the course itself when it concludes. However, the calendar for all courses are always visible and continue to open when I click on the calendar icon. Is there a way to remove ...

  • 1 Replies

Is anyone else experiencing this today or has anyone found or heard anything from Canvas/Instructure about this???To be clear, this is happening when, in any course where I have SCORM enabled, I click on SCORM in the course navigation. Where usually ...

  • 3 Replies

I am trying to copy a "New Quiz" from one course to another and every time I copy it over, the content does not come with it.  The name and amount of points are all that carry over.  None of the questions copy.  What am I missing? 

  • 10 Replies

Many of my assignments throughout the year did not require a due date.  I also have many imported assignments that I have never actually used that do not have die dates.  These are no appearing in my assignments list when I sort it to Marking Period ...

  • 2 Replies

Good morning: I looked in the Canvas guide and am trying to specifically identify the percentages of faculty/student interactions.  As of right now, I have been simply looking at the Teacher Activity Report. Is this the only place to view this?  Is t...

  • 3 Replies

Hello Canvas Community, I was hoping I could pick your brains please? We have a course which is actually many individual courses in one. So, in fact each Canvas module is a stand alone course. To help identify pages in the Pages section (i.e. which p...

  • 8 Replies

Just wondering if I have too grandiose dreams... Is it possible to create a "mashup" Front page where we have text (like a regular Page in Canvas) at the top, and the listing of the modules below it..? See example below. Canvas offers us much more op...

  • 3 Replies

One of our schools uses an external system for exams where students are anonymous to faculty members. They enter their grade for the exam and never see the student's name or ID. We would like the students to be able to take exams with anonymous gradi...

  • 2 Replies

My courses are divided into quarters. I want my gradebooks to only show assignment groups from the current quarter, Q4. Even using the grading period filter, I am still seeing a bunch of groups from earlier quarters. None of their assignments are in ...

  • 2 Replies

Lately, every time I try to access the Canvas Community, I want to pull my hair out!  While already logged into Canvas, I click on the Help option to Search the Guides.  I try to post a question and it tells me that I'm not logged in.  I follow the p...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hello. I opened a Canvas account yesterday for an ESOL course that I will be teaching for our adult education program. However, my homepage looks different than my future co-worker's. Now I see that I opened it with 'K-12' as the organization type, i...

  • 2 Replies

How do I add a bar similar to the one in the picture? Is this a new feature?    

  • 2 Replies

Our learning community faculty are assigned to grade groups of student assignments (10 students in a group). Is there any way for Canvas to notify individual faculty that a student in their group has submitted their assignment for grading?

  • 5 Replies

Is there a way to enter an arc symbol over letters in new quizzes? I have tried entering the workaround in both the question body and answer choices. I have tried to put it in MathQuill as well, but I am not having much luck. The workaround I have be...

  • 1 Replies

I have posted items in Pages, which are published. All of my students tell me that they get an error message that they do not have permission, how do I fix this

  • 1 Replies

I am confusing for introduction date and time, please advise There are 2 period of time on Web annoncement : Mar28 12:00pm-1:00pm or 07:00pm-08:00pm or I can select only one period or I need to attend for both period.

  • 1 Replies

Hi Canvas Support Team, I am an IT Technician with Crimson Education trying to help our staff ready for accreditation season. Our IT team received a request to bulk export all assignments submitted by 4 specific students with SpeedGrader annotations ...

  • 2 Replies

Perhaps I am misunderstanding the Discussion purpose as a new user... As instructor, I posted a question in my course under discussions. Several students posted replies, but they can only see my initial entry, not that of the other students. Is this ...

  • 16 Replies

After multiple attempts to enroll a certain student, I continually receive the below ERROR CODE and I am not allowed to enroll the student:     The following users could not be created. EMAIL OF STUDENT: The email address provided conflicts with an e...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, When I log into my free teacher account at, I am directed to my institution's account. The goal is to edit my course pages in the free teacher account. Once I like the revisions, then export these ch...

  • 1 Replies

I created a course as an individual and I don't have a school name. I was able to enable the link for open enrollment but this only allows the students to access the course via the web. They cannot access it on the app because I do not have a school....

  • 1 Replies

Hello All,I intend to save my designed poster containing text hyperlinks as a png or jpg file (and not save as PDF), such that through these image files I'm able to access the hyperlinks attached to the text. Kindly guide me on the same.Thank you!

  • 2 Replies

When we upload our PDF slides for BigBlueButton sessions, the slides will sometimes "glitch" and look different from the PDF version we have. In particular, random photos will rotate 90-degrees, the bullets will change to a different type of bullet, ...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a course role in Canvas that would allow people to post in discussions but not submit graded assignments? Out of the box, it doesn't seem like such a role exists. People are either Observers (which have view-only access to the course, and th...

  • 1 Replies