How do I set up Studio OAuth with Postman?

You can connect Studio's OAuth implementation through Postman, an application that simplifies API development. Before starting any of the steps in this article, please verify you have access to Postman in a web browser or you have downloaded and installed Postman, and that you have access to a Studio account that can generate an OAuth Client ID and secret. For more information about the Studio API, see the StudioPublic API documentation.

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Open Postman

Open Postman

In Postman, click the Collections icon [1].

Click the Plus icon [2] and then click the Blank collection option [3].

Create Collection

Create Collection

Enter a name for the collection.

Open Authorization Tab

Open Authorization Tab

In the collection, click the Authorization tab [1].

Click the Auth Type drop-down menu [2], and select the OAuth 2.0 option [3].

Configure New Token

Configure New Token

Scroll to the Configure New Token section, and enter a name for the token.

Note: If you are using the Postman desktop app,  you may need to click the Authorize Using Browser checkbox.

Open Canvas

Open Canvas

To locate the Auth URL and Access Token URL, open Canvas in a new browser window. In Canvas, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of your account [2].

Open Apps Tab

In Account Navigation, click the Settings link [1], then click the Apps tab [2].

Click the View App Configurations button [3].

Locate Studio App

In the list of external apps, locate Studio. Then, click the Settings button [1] and select the Edit option [2].

View App Configuration Details

View App Configuration Details

In the Edit App window, copy the Launch URL up to, but not including, the first slash after the host name.

Add URLs in Postman

Add URLs in Postman

In Postman, paste the Studio Launch URL in both the Auth URL field and the Access Token URL field.

To the end of the Auth URL [1], add /api/public/oauth/authorize to the URL.

To end of the Access Token URL [2], add /api/public/oauth/token to the URL.

Copy Callback URL

Copy Callback URL

To create a developer key in Studio, you will need the Callback URL from Postman. Copy the Callback URL.

Open Studio

Open Studio, either through your stand-alone Studio instance or through Canvas.

In Studio, click the Settings link [1] and then click the Developer Keys tab [2]. To add a new developer key, click the Add Developer Key button [3].

Create Studio Developer Key

Create Studio Developer Key

In the Key Settings window, enter a name for the key in the Name field [1].

In the Redirect URIs field [2], paste the Callback URL you copied from Postman.

Once you have finalized the Key details, click the Save Key button [3].

Copy Client ID and Secret

The new developer key displays in Studio. Copy the Client ID [1]. To display the secret, click the Show button [2] and then copy the Secret [2].

Get New Access Token

Get New Access Token

In Postman, paste the Client ID and Client Secret from Studio in the corresponding fields [1]. The remaining fields are optional.

Once you have entered all the token details, click the Get New Access Token button [2].

Log in to Studio

Log in to Studio

A pop-up window or new tab will prompt you to log in to Studio. You can log in using your Studio stand-alone account credentials [1] or using your Canvas credentials [2].

Authorize Postman

Authorize Postman

Studio will prompt you to authorize Postman access. In the Studio window, click the Authorize button.

View Token Expiration

View Token Expiration

After you confirm authorization for the token, Postman displays the token details. Tokens have a limited availability. In the Current Token section, the token displays its expiration time and date.