How do I view and manage a collection in Canvas Studio?

You can view collections created by you and collections shared with you in your Canvas Studio library. Depending on who created the collection and media in the collection, you will see different options to manage collections and content.

Locate Collection

Locate Collection

In the My Library page, the most recently uploaded media in each collection displays first by default. To switch to a different sorting method, click the Sort Collections by drop-down menu and select a different sorting method [1].

To view your uploaded media, click the My Library drop-down menu [2]. You can also create a collection within this section.

To view all media that has been shared with you, click the Shared Library drop-down menu [3].

For instructors, any media you added to a course or embedded in a discussion is automatically saved in the Course Collections drop-down menu [4].

Open Collection

Open Collection

To open a collection, click the collection name.

Filter Media  

To filter media in the collection, click the Filter button.

Apply Filters

Apply Filters

In the Filters tray, select the filters you wish to use and click the Apply button.

Manage Collections

To manage a collection, click the Options menu [1].  

In the drop-down menu, click a management option link [2].

Manage Media Options

Manage Media Options

To manage options for individual media items in the collection, click the media's Options menu [1]. To select the action you want to perform, click the action name link [2].

Note: Options displayed may vary based on the media contents.