How do I manage Canvas Studio users as an admin?
As a Canvas Studio admin, you can add and manage Canvas Studio users in the Media Management page.
You can manually add users and assign their user role, or users may be automatically added and assigned a user role based on their user role when they access Studio links or content in Canvas LMS. Most commonly, admin users are added manually.
Currently you cannot remove users from the Studio account.
Open Media Management

In the Studio navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Media Management option [2].
View Studio Users
To view users in your Studio account, click the Users tab [1].
You can search for a user by full name, display name, or email address by typing in the Search field [2].
To manually add a new user, click the Create User button [3].
View User Information
In the Users list, you can view and sort users by full name, student or teacher status, number of items owned in Studio, storage usage, or email address.
Note: Studio does not require email addresses for user accounts. If your institution uses a single sign-on (SSO) authentication system that does not rely on email addresses, some users who only access Studio directly through Canvas LMS may not display an associated email address.
Manage Users

To edit information for an existing user, click the Options icon [1]. Then, click the Edit User button [2].
Currently you cannot remove a user from your account.
Edit User Details

To change the user's name, display name , or email address as shown for the user's Studio account, enter text in the appropriate fields [1].
To change a user's access to or from Admin status, click the Studio Admin Privileges drop-down menu [2]. If the user does not have Admin privileges, a caption role can be selected. To select a caption role, click the Caption role drop-down menu [3].
To save changes, click the Update Details button [4].
- Canvas Studio does not automatically send email notifications to users about their updated admin user role status. When you update a user as an admin, you should notify the user of their Canvas Studio role status update. The user can validate their admin account using the password reset link in your institution's Canvas Studio site login page.
- Editing user fields does not affect a user's Canvas account.