How do I edit details and tags for Canvas Studio media?

After you upload a video or audio file, you can edit the media details and add tags.

Details include the title and description of the media. Descriptions do not appear anywhere in Canvas Studio, but the content in the description is used to locate the media files when users search for them.

Tags help organize the media and also act as search terms to help users find relevant media.

Locate  Media

In Studio, the My Library page opens by default. The library displays media preview tiles with the most recently added media displayed first.

To search for a media file, click the Search icon [1]. To sort media by title, click the Sort By drop-down menu [2]. To filter media by collection, or caption status, click the Filter by drop-down menu [3].

Open Media

Open Media

Hover your cursor over the media thumbnail and click the View button.

Open Details

Open Details

Click the Details tab.

Edit Details

Edit Details

Click the Edit Details button.

Edit Title and Description

Edit Title and Description

Enter or edit the media title in the Title field [1].

Add or edit a short description for the media in the Description field [2].

Add Tags

Add Tags

To add a tag, enter a tag in the Tags field [1]. Press the Enter or Return key on your keyboard.

You can add as many tags as you like. To remove an existing tag, click the Remove icon [2].

Save Details

Save Details

Click the Save button.