How do I view and manage my Canvas Studio groups as an admin?
You can view a list of all your Studio groups in your Studio Settings Groups page. As a Studio admin, you can also manage all groups, no matter your assigned group role. You can edit a group name, add or remove group members, adjust group member roles, leave a group, and delete groups.
By default, the Settings Groups page displays a list of all your groups. However, as an admin, you can view and manage all Studio groups in your institution's Studio account. Learn more about viewing and managing other groups in your institution's Studio account.
View Groups
By default, Groups displays the My Groups list [1]. However, you can switch to view all other groups to which you are not assigned. Learn more about viewing and managing other Studio account groups.
To locate a specific group, enter the group name or group ID in the Search field [2].
You can also create a new group [3].
Note: The Search function only returns matches from the currently selected group page. If your search does not return a result, you may need to switch to view the My Groups or the Other Groups lists.
View Groups List
The Groups List is a paginated list that displays up to ten groups per page. The list displays the following information:
- Group Name [1]: the name of each group; by default, groups display in alphabetical order.
- Group ID Number [2]: the ID number automatically assigned to a group upon creation.
- Permission [3]: your role within the group. Group roles include Member and Manager.
- Number of Members [4]: the total number of people in the group, including yourself.
To view additional groups, use the page navigation icons [5].
To sort the Group List in ascending or descending order by column, click the column header [6].
Note: Because you are not a member of the groups in the Other Groups list, the Permission column does not display. Learn more about viewing and managing other Studio groups.
View Group Options
As an admin, you can manage any group in your My Groups list.
To view group management options, locate the group in the list and click the group's Options icon [1]. You can edit the group [2], leave the group [3], and delete the group [4].
Edit Group
To view and edit details for a group, click the group name link [1].
Alternatively, locate the group in the list and click the group's Options icon [2]. Then select the Edit option [3].
Edit Group Details

In the Edit Group window, you can view the group ID [1], view and edit the group name [2], add members [3], view the group members list [4], and manage group member roles [5].
To change a group member's role, locate the group member and click the Role drop-down menu [6]. Then select the role [7], or remove the member from the group [8].
To delete the group, click the Delete icon [9].
To save any changes made to the group, click the Save icon [10].
To close the Edit Group window, click the Cancel button [11] or the X icon [12].
View Admin Member Notification

Next to an admin's Role drop-down menu, an Admin icon displays. As a Studio admin, you can view and edit any group in the Studio account, even if you are added to the group with Member permissions.
Leave Group
To leave a group, locate the group in the list and click the group's Options icon [1]. Then select the Leave Group option [2].
Confirm Leave

Click the Leave Group button.
Note: When you leave a group, the group no longer displays on your My Groups page. However, you can still find the group in the Other Groups page.
Delete Group
To delete a group, locate the group in the list and click the group's Options icon [1]. Then select the Delete option [2].
Confirm Delete

Click the Delete button.
Note: Deleting a group removes all members from the group and revokes access to any group-shared media. Please notify group members before deleting an active Studio group.