How do I view Canvas Studio analytics for individual viewers?
In Canvas Studio, you can view details about how individual viewers watch your media from the Insights media tab. You can also export viewer analytics as a CSV file.
Open Media

Locate the media you wish to view, hover your cursor over the media thumbnail and click the View button.
Select Course

If your media is added to multiple Canvas courses, you can select to view insights for a specific course. Click the Course Filter drop-down menu [1]. Then select the course you want to view [2].
Open Insights

Click the Insights tab.
Open Completion Rate Graph

The Viewers section displays a list of all users who have viewed the media.
To search for a specific individual, enter the name in the Search Viewers field [1]. Alternatively, locate the user in the Viewer List [2].
Then click the Completion Rate Graph icon [3].
View Completion Rate Graph
The Completion Rate Graph displays the viewer's completion rate percentage [1] as well as a timeline graph illustrating the watched portions of the video [2].
Note: The completion rate is based on students watching the entire video. If a video is embedded with a timestamp that defines half of the video, a 50% completion rate means that a student watched the video from the embedded timestamp forward.