Developers: Build an app that integrates with the Canvas Badges API
What is a Canvas Badges Connected App?
A Canvas Badges Connected App is any web service that makes use of Open Badges as an issuer or displayer. If you want to bring verifiable achievements into your ecosystem, connect to Canvas Badges’s API to make it easy.
Issuer Apps
Issuer apps react to events in their own domain to award new badges to users.
Displayer Apps
Displayer apps help users show off and get value from the badges they have earned.
Connecting to Canvas Badges
API Access with OAuth2 Authorization Code Grants
Canvas Badges offers OAuth2 Identity Provider/Authorization Server/Resource Server functionality to help your Connected App securely obtain a user-specific API token to use to access that user’s badges. You can add a Connect to Canvas Badges or Login with Canvas Badges button to your service. There are several Canvas Badges servers deployed in different regions around the world, and your app can connect with each desired Canvas Badges region separately. In order to sign OAuth requests to a particular Canvas Badges server, your service needs to establish a shared secret with the administrator of that Canvas Badges server.
You can build apps that connect with Canvas Badges. Contact Canvas Badges to request an application key and secret for signing your OAuth requests. Describe what you’re planning on building and what type of information you need from Canvas Badges users.
Requesting access to the Canvas Badges API
For each availability region of the Canvas Badges service, when you request a developer key, an application record will be created with a key and secret. When you request a key, make sure to describe which region you would like to use (Test sandbox, Australia, Canada, EU/Ireland, Singapore or US). These regional servers also have their own UI and API domain, so be sure to use the correct domain based on which server you are using. We use the US production server as a default in our documentation. The ability to automatically obtain a key and secret for certain types of applications is also available via the Badge Connect (Open Badges 2.1) protocol. These scopes allow your app to access a user's backpack to read their badges or send them new badges.
Permission Scopes
Issuer and displayer apps need some combination of permissions to issuer and backpack (recipient) API endpoints. These are accomplished by requesting a set of permission scopes when you register your application with the Canvas Badges server administrator. These scopes or a subset of them will be available to you when you request authorization on behalf of a user of your app.
Profile Scope (Automatic)
- r:profile This allows you to get information about the user that they have defined in Canvas Badges, including their firstname, lastname, and registered email addresses. This scope is automatically available. It gives you the ability to access the GET /v2/user/profile endpoint.
Issuer Scopes
- r:issuer This allows you to get information about the issuer profiles where the authenticated user acts as a staff member, editor, or owner. You may view issuer metadata, badges defined by these issuers, and badge awards granted by these issuers.
- rw:issuer This allows read/write access to the resources above, to the extent that the authenticated user may perform these actions. "Staff" level users may read all data and award new instances of defined badges; "Editor" level users may also define new BadgeClasses and edit existing ones. "Owner" members may modify the staff list.
Backpack Scopes
- r:backpack Allows you to read assertions that the user has received from issuers on this Canvas Badges server or imported into their backpack from external Open Badges issuers.
- rw:backpack Allows you to read, create, and update assertions and collections of assertions. For assertions, this means you can trigger import of an Open Badges assertion defined elsewhere, pushing it to the recipient’s backpack.
The OAuth2 Dance (Authorization Code grant workflow)
Once you have emailed us your Scope and Redirect URIs and we have replied with a client_id and client_secret—we can dance. Suppose a Canvas Badges user would like to grant you access to her badges, issuers and profile information. First, create a “Login with Canvas Badges” button on your website that links to the following URI (line breaks added for readability):
Set client_id to the Client ID you received from the Canvas Badges team. Set redirect_uri to the Redirect URI for your application (url encode this and all parameters). We use this to redirect the user back to your website with an Authorization Code after they have logged in and granted you access. Set scope to the level of access you are requesting.
After Canvas Badges redirects the user back to your application with the Authorization Code in the query parameter code your application will need to exchange that temporary code for a long-lived Access Token via a POST request. Here’s an example using curl:
curl -d \
Note: You may pass a state parameter, which should be a URL-safe URL-encoded string. For example, you may encode a small snippet of JSON. This parameter will be passed back to you at your Redirect URL
Exchange this authorization_code for an access token.
curl \
-d "grant_type=authorization_code&code=authorization_code"
And that’s it! You’re done. You’ll receive a document like this:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"access_token": "C1HePsbwS3tUmwC6OCKsC41w96xckc",
"expires_in": 86400,
"refresh_token": "xwHPFwH55tQpCy3qCgsIW59k3g3aPh",
"scope": "rw:issuer rw:profile rw:backpack"
And that’s it! You can store the access token in your application. You may now use the access_token obtained from this request to authenticate API requests. See Using the Canvas Badges API below.
Here is a diagram showing the initial authorization flow:

Your access token will expire (by default, 24 hours after issue). At that point, you may refresh it using the refresh_token included with the token. Refresh tokens are long-lived and must be stored securely. Access tokens also must be stored securely, but are lower risk due to their shorter duration. You may obtain a new access token using your refresh token by making a new POST to the authorization endpoint.
curl -X POST -d \
You will get back a new token document, including a new access_token and refresh_token. The new access token will be valid for the identified number of seconds.
Note: If you have given us a localhost Redirection URI remember to use our test sandbox environment's endpoints for testing. Use and For more detailed information on OAuth2 read RFC 6749 For production environments, HTTPS is required for redirect URIs, and localhost or developer machine tunnel domains are not permitted.
Using the Canvas Badges API
Quickstart View the Canvas Badges API Docs
To authenticate a request using an OAuth token use the Authorization header with a value of Bearer, a space character, then the token you have obtained. E.g. Authorization: Bearer cZTp1ZMMSasZ4mbP2u2Pjt4NH3AVIf
Requests to the /v2/ API are all returned by default in JSON with a default response envelope. If successful, the result key will have a [] list of result objects, and single results will appear as a single entry within this JSON array. Try out the OAuth flow and making requests by creating a free account and clicking the Authorize button on the API Docs.