How do I create a badge in Canvas Badges?
Once Canvas Badges/Credentials is added to your course, you can add badges.
- To add a badge to a course, you need to access Canvas Credentials setup in the course you would like the badge in.
- You can import badges and pathways into a new course from a previous course. However, you cannot use the Select Specific Content feature to copy badges and pathways and Groups are not copied to the new course.
Open Setup

In the Group drop-down menu [1], click the Setup link [2].
Create Badge
To create a new badge, click the Options icon [1] and then click the Create New Badge link [2].
Add Badge Basic Information

Enter a name in the Name field [1].
Add a badge image by using the file uploader [2].
Enter a summarized description in the Description field [3].
To have your badge show on your issuer and organization public pages, click the Display on issuer and organization public pages checkbox [4].
To add an earning criteria description, enter a description [5].
To preview your badge, click the Preview link [6].
To add a criteria URL, enter the URL in the Criteria URL field [7].
Add Additional Information

In the Additional Info tab [1], you can add the following to your badge:
- Additional Details [2]
- Achievement Type [3]
- Demonstrated Skills [4]
- Standard Alignment [5]
- Tags [6]
- Expiration [7]
- Custom Property [8]
Enable Assessments Extension

To enable the enable assessment extension, click the Questions and grading tab [1] and click the Enable Assessments Extension checkbox [2].
Manage Print Certificate

To manage what the print certificate looks like, click the Print certificates tab [1].
Manage the template by clicking the Enable template checkbox [2] or the Default template [3].
Create Badge

To save your badge, click the Create badge button.
Select Award Type

To award a badge based on criteria in your Canvas course, click the Canvas integration radio button [1].
To award a badge manually, click the Manually radio button [2].
Edit Specify Requirements

To select which course item is required to complete the badge, click the Course item drop-down menu [1].
To have learners submit evidence for completion, click the Evidence required for Completion checkbox [2].
To select the type of trigger for the badge, click the Trigger type drop-down menu and select the trigger type [3].
To award the badge as soon as the requirements are met, click the Award the badge as soon as the requirements are met radio button [4].
To set a date trigger for badge awarding, click the Set date trigger for badge awarding radio button [5].
Add Badge

To add your badge to your course, click the Add badge button.