How do I edit a badge as an Issuer?

Issuer staff members can manage badge details.

Open Issuer

Open Issuers

In Credentials Navigation, click the Issuers link.

Open Issuer

To search for an issuer by a keyword, enter the keyword in the Search Issuers field [1].

By default 25 issuers display per page. To change the number of issuers that display per page, click the Results Per Page drop-down menu [2].

To navigate to other results pages, click use the page navigation arrows [3].

Once you have located the issuer, you can view issuer details by clicking the View Issuer button [4].

Open Badge

To edit a badge, click the Options icon [1] and then click the Edit badge link [2].

Edit Badge

Edit Badge

You can edit badge details listed in any of the available tabs.

Save Changes

Save Changes

To save changes, click the Save changes button.