How do I view analytics for the Credentials LTI as an admin?
As an admin, you can view analytics about badges being awarded and shared in the Credentials LTI.
Open Admin

In the Group drop-down menu [1], click the Admin link [2].
Open Analytics

To view the Credentials LTI analytics, click the Analytics link.
Export Organization Badge List
Admins can export a comprehensive badge list. The exported list includes: Badge Class, Earning Criteria, Issuer, Status, Creation Date, Archival Date, Total Awards, Latest Award Date, and Total Shares.
View Who is Awarding Badges?
The Who is Awarding Badges? graph shows all issuer activity for all awarded badges.
View How are Badges Being Awarded and Shared?
The How are Badges Being Awarded and Shared? graphs show total awards given [1], total awards shared in a given time frame [2], and total share for badges over different platforms [3].
To filter by a different time frame, click the Time drop-down menu [4].
To export the data, click the Export Data button [5].