How do I add a manually awarded badge to a Group?

Instructors can add manually awarded badges to a Group in order to track badges that are awarded outside the group.

Open Setup

Open Setup

In the Group setup drop-down menu [1], click the Setup link [2].

Add Badge

To add a badge requirement to the group, click the Add Badge button.

Choose a Badge

Select a badge from the list.

Choose Manual Awarding

Choose Manual Awarding

To award the badge manually, click the Manually radio button.

Specify Requirements

You can enter a label and description of the badge requirements. The description field supports markdown.

Add a Staff Note

You can add a note to help staff evaluate the learner's work required to earn this badge. The Staff Notes field supports markdown.

When you have finished entering information about the badge requirements, click the Save Changes button.

View Group Badge Requirements

The badge is added to the list of All Badges in the group. The requirement label displays as the requirement.