How do I manage my Canvas Badges/Credentials account?

You can create a Canvas Badges/Credentials account and manage the emails and passwords associated with it. You can add additional email addresses, change your primary email address, add email case variants, remove email addresses from your account, or change your password. You can also merge accounts.

Canvas Badges/Credentials allows you to add multiple email addresses to your account from the Profile page. Adding additional email addresses to an account enables you to collect badges awarded to different email addresses (e.g., institution, work, volunteer) all in one backpack account.

Badges are awarded to a specific email address and are permanently associated with that email. We strongly recommend associating a personal email with your Canvas Badges/Credentials account, so you can maintain access to your account and badges in case you lose access to a work or institution email at a future date.


  • Each email address associated with your Canvas Badges/Credentials account must be verified by you.
  • It's possible to move an email address from one account to another as long as it's not the primary address on either account. If you need assistance moving emails or merging two accounts into a single account, please contact us.
  • To delete an account, please contact us.  

Create Account

Create Account

Create a Canvas Badges/Credentials account. Choose one of our servers nearest to you:

In the Create Account tab [1], enter your email address in the Email field [2]. Ensure it is an active email address you have access to, then click the Continue button [3].

Verify Account

Enter the verification code you received in your email, then click the Verify button.

Complete Account Signup

Complete Account Signup

After verification, you will need to complete your account signup. Fill in the following fields:

  • First name [1]
  • Last name [2]
  • Occupation/job title [3]
  • Password (Must be at least 8 characters) [4]
  • Confirm password [5]

Click the I have read and agreed to the Terms of Service checkbox [6], then click the Create account button [7].

Note: You can show or hide the password by clicking the Visibility icon.

Open Account Settings

Open Account Settings

Once your account is created, open your account settings. In the Global Navigation, click the User Menu link [1], and then click the Account settings link [2].

Add Additional Email Address

In the Account Settings page, click the Add email button [2].

Merge Accounts

Merging accounts

If you encounter an error saying, "Failed to add email: Email '[email address]' may already be in use," it's likely an account already exists for the address you were trying to add.

For assistance merging accounts, contact us. Please provide the emails associated with the accounts you wish to merge and indicate which address you wish to be primary. Please also indicate which server (AU, EU, CA, USA) you are using.

Enter Email Address

Enter Email Address

A pop-up window allows you to enter a secondary email address. Enter an email address in the Email field [1] and click the Continue button [2].

Note: Best practice is to use a personal email, so you can maintain access to your account and badges in case you lose access to a work or school email at a future date.

View Code

View Code

A verification code is sent to the newly added email address.

Verify Code

Verify Code

Additionally, a new pop-up window displays. To verify your email address, enter the code you received in the verification email into the Verify code window [1]. Then click the Verify button [2].

If you did not receive a verification email, click the Resend code link [3] or contact us.

Note: For information on connecting an SSO option, learn about Single Sign On integration with Canvas Badges/Credentials.

Change Your Primary Canvas Badges/Credentials Email Address

Your primary email address is the email address you use to sign in to your Canvas Badges/Credentials account. To change which address is your primary email at any time, click the ellipsis on the right of the email line [1] and select the Make primary option from the drop-down menu [2].

Add Email Case Variants

Some badges may not upload because your email address doesn't match. If the original issuer used any uppercase characters in your email address, add the email address as it was awarded following the steps above and try again. You may need to add an additional email address(es) to your Canvas Badges/Credentials account. You can view case variants that you've added by clicking on the View case variants button located under your email address.

Remove Email Address from Your Canvas Badges/Credentials Account

You can remove any non-primary email address. To remove an email address, click the ellipsis on the right of the email line [1] and select the Remove option from the drop-down menu [2].

Removing an email address from your Canvas Badges/Credentials account removes all associated badges in your Canvas Badges Backpack.

Change Your Canvas Badges/Credentials Password

Change Your Canvas Badges/Credentials Password

If you've either forgotten your password or want to change your existing password, go to the Canvas Badges/Credentials sign-in page and click Forgot password, then enter the email address you use when signing in. You will receive an email with a verification code to verify this request. Return to Canvas Badges/Credentials and enter the verification code, then follow the steps to reset your password.

Your password can also be changed from the Account Settings section of your account by clicking the Change Password button. If you remember your password, you can change it immediately [1]. If you've forgotten your password, click the Reset your password link [2] and follow the email verification and password reset steps above.

If you've only logged in via Single Sign On (SSO), you must use the reset password functionality in order to use an email and password to log in to Canvas Badges/Credentials. This will create a password for your account and will not affect the account you used for SSO.