How do I manage user defined fields for catalog registration?

As a Catalog admin, you can manage all of your user defined fields for a catalog by managing your catalog. User defined fields display in the user registration page when a user first registers for a course or program. Information in user defined fields can only be collected as part of new user registrations; the fields do not display when existing users enroll in a course.

When user defined fields are created in the parent catalog, the fields can automatically be applied to each subcatalog. However, you can choose to create your own user defined fields in each subcatalog.

You can export user defined fields using the Catalog API.

Open Admin

Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].

Open Catalogs

Click the Catalogs tab.

Open Parent Catalog

Click the parent catalog name link.

Open User Defined Fields

Open User Defined Fields

Click the User Defined Fields tab.

View Fields

The User Defined Fields tab displays the field name [1], the label [2], and the input type [3].

Add Field

To add a user defined field, click the Add Field button.

Edit or Delete Fields

To edit a field, click the Edit icon [1].

To delete a field, click the Delete icon [2].

Manage Subcatalog Fields

If you are viewing a subcatalog, any existing user defined fields in the parent catalog automatically apply when the Inherit UDF from [parent account] toggle button is on [1]. The user defined fields will appear but will be uneditable [2].

Add Custom Subcatalog Fields

If you don't want the subcatalog to inherit the fields from the parent account, click the Inherit UDF from [parent account] toggle button off [1]. Click the Add Field button [2] to add your own custom field.