How do I complete my registration for a Catalog course or program?
If you do not yet have a Canvas account for your institution's Catalog site, you will need to complete your registration to create a password and log in to Catalog. You will not be able to begin a course or program until you have completed your registration.
Note: The appearance of the Catalog Listings page may vary depending on the platform version or any custom styling applied through website code, such as CSS, JS, or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Go to Student Dashboard
In the In Progress tab, you will find a message instructing you to check your email inbox for the next steps.
Complete Registration

Open your email client, then open the registration email from Canvas. To complete your registration, click the Click here now to finish the registration process link.
Create Password

Enter a password in the Password field [1].
To select your preferred time zone, click the Time Zone drop-down menu [2].
To view and agree to the privacy policy, click the View Privacy Policy link [3].
To complete your registration, click the Register button [4].