How do I reserve multiple enrollments in a Catalog course or program listing?

In Canvas Catalog, you can purchase multiple enrollments and invite students to sign up for the reserved seats in a Bulk Enrollment.

When you check out, Catalog preserves your enrollment spot(s) in capped courses for ten minutes while you complete the enrollment process. Paid courses and programs require payment as part of the enrollment process. You can also add promotion codes at checkout.

The first time you purchase bulk enrollments in a catalog listing with your institution, you must complete your registration.


  • Before you can view your institution's Catalog listings, you may need to log in to Canvas.
  • Depending on how your institution has configured the Catalog course enrollment process, you may be required to complete enrollment fields that are not shown here.
  • The appearance of the Catalog Listings page may vary depending on the platform version or any custom styling applied through website code, such as CSS, JS, or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).

Because payment options vary from institution to institution, the payment process is not documented here. For assistance paying for listings through your institution's payment gateway, please contact your institution's help desk.

Open Catalog

Open Catalog

In your browser window, enter your institution's Catalog URL in the address field.

Locate Course Listing

Locate a course by scrolling through the list.

To search for a specific course or program, enter text in the Search field [1]. You can filter results in the Categories menu [2], and refine listings in the Refine menu [3].

To view a listing's details page, click the More icon [4].

Select Bulk Enrollment Options

To select multiple enrollments for a listing, click the Bulk Enrollment button [1].

Enter the number of seats you want to reserve in the Seats Required field [2].

If a listing has a student cap enabled, a warning message displays if your request exceeds the number of available seats [3].

To reserve seats, click the Claim Seats button [4].

Note:  All bulk seat sales are final. There are no refunds or transfers for unused seats. Double-check the number of seats before completing your purchase

Sign In or Register for Account

Sign In or Register for Account

If you already have a Canvas account at your institution, click the Sign in to Enroll link [1].

If you do not have a Canvas account at your institution, register a new account by completing the new account registration information [2].

Verify New User Account

Complete New User Registration

If you registered for a new account, you must verify your account to complete your registration and begin the course. Check your registration email address to confirm your account.

View Paid Enrollment Reservation

View Enrollment Reservation

The listing price per seat [1], number of seats requested [2],  and total cost for the bulk purchase [3] display.

To change the number of seats reserved, click the Change button [4]. Then, in the Change Seats window [5], enter a new number of seats in the Seats Required field [6]. To update the requested number of seats, click the Update button [7].

Complete Paid Enrollment

Select Payment Option

If you have a promotional code, enter it in the Promotion Code(s) field [1]. Then, click the Apply button [2]. Repeat with additional promotional codes.

To cancel the checkout process, click the Cancel button [5]. This will release the reserved seats. The checkout page will redirect to your institution's listings page.

To complete enrollment and pay for your selected listings, click the Purchase Seats button [6].

Note: Because payment options vary from institution to institution, the payment process is not documented here. For assistance paying for listings through your institution's payment gateway, please contact your institution's help desk.

Complete Free Enrollment

Complete Free Enrollment

The reservation confirmation displays a 10-minute timer [1]. You must complete the transaction within the 10-minute time-frame or the reservation will be cancelled.

The number of seats requested displays [2].  

To change the number of seats reserved, click the Change button [3].  Then, in the Change Seats window [4], enter a new number of seats in the Seats Required field [5]. To update the requested number of seats, click the Update button [6].

To complete the enrollment, click the Claim Seats button [7]. To cancel the enrollment and release the selected seats, click the Cancel button [8].

View Purchase Confirmation

View Purchase Confirmation

The enrollment confirmation displays [1].

To invite students to enroll in the course using your purchase, click the Invite Students to Enroll button [2].

To invite students at another time, you can click the Purchases & Enrollment link [3].

To return to your institution's catalog listings page, click the Return to Catalog button [4].


  • If your enrollment failed, the Confirmation page displays a Failed (retry) status.
  • If your enrollment is pending, the Confirmation page displays a Pending status.