How do I invite students to a bulk purchased course or program?
In Canvas Catalog, you can invite students to register for a bulk-purchased listing by email and manage their registration status.
Enter email addresses individually or as a group in a CSV upload.
Open Purchases & Enrollments

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Purchases & Enrollments link [2].
Invite Students
To invite a student to the course or program, enter the student's email address in the Invite Students field [1]. To enter additional email addresses, press the enter key on your keyboard, then add the next email address.
To import a list of email addresses from a CSV file, click the Import from CSV link [2].
To send invitations to students, click the Send Invite button [3].
Note: If an email address is manually added before a CSV is imported, the CSV import will override any information already in the text box. To add emails using both methods, import the CSV first, then manually add additional addresses.
View Invitation Status
When an invitation has been sent, the invitation status displays in the Status column [1].
To sort invitations by status, click the Sort arrows [2].