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I am having difficulty uploading a SCORM zip package. I click SCORM, Upload, select the .zip file to upload. The progress bar just keeps churning and several minutes later I find that there was an error uploading the file. I have tried SCORM 2004 v4 ...

  • 9 Replies

Hello -Is the phone # Canvas Support Hotline for Faculty not available anymore?

  • 1 Replies

When importing a Classic Quiz QTI, the is a drop-down menu for "Default Question bank". No selection I make here has any effect on what bank the questions are put into. Leaving it blank, selecting "create new question bank", and selecting an existing...

  • 1 Replies

Have any of you used the Text Reader app that's listed among the Canvas apps? I think I added it (it's free) but can't figure out how to get it to show up when I"m making assignments.

  • 2 Replies

Colleagues, If I remove a student from a course (say for non-payment), then they pay and the SIS reloads them. Are all their assignments, discussions, etc. restored?

  • 2 Replies

A colleague accidentally button bashed the keyboard and brought up an HTML edit in the New Quizzes answer boxes. I can't work out what they pressed. It would be great to edit the HTML. They were trying to press ctrl shift v. See the below image:     ...

  • 1 Replies
  • 2 Replies

I'm wanting to add Student as a role to the dropdown menu to add them to the course, but can't find where to do that..   

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to grade assignments for students. As I click to open the assignment, the assignment does not open. Looks like it is being locked, and I don't have access to open it.

  • 5 Replies

Hello,I see the directions. It tells me to open " people" and so forth but how do I get to people?where do  find the site or the drop menu that tells me where people is Please advise!David T

  • 1 Replies

Due to complications with the internet, I was knocked off and hit re-do / previous. Then I would miss the answer. I did miss two for sure but the complication happend. How can I re-take the test? I went back through the complete lesson and tried to r...

  • 1 Replies

How can I put the Course Summary tool on a different page than the Syllabus Page?My state requires my ENTIRE syllabus on the Syllabus Page and the Course Summary gets lost at the end.It is a helpful tool and I would like to add it to another Page. Or...

  • 2 Replies

Hi,I am new to Canvas. I am trying to understand how it works. I have registered on Canvas. After I did log in, I can't see admin access to my account. I can't see any relevant settings for admin. I can't see admin on the left panel menu. Please find...

  • 2 Replies

A student relies on the notification (blue dot) for her assignments (upcoming and feedback, etc). She completed an assignment that allowed unlimited attempts. She completed it and was graded with feedback. She responded to the feedback. However, the ...

  • 4 Replies

I have some students that have not completed some assignments, how can I have the 0% averaged into the student's overall grade?  currently I am grading it at 1% so their overall grade reflects the missing assignments.TYIA

  • 7 Replies

Hi Our Security team are requesting we enable Multi Factor Authentication for Canvas for staff and admin. Does anyone have any experience of the implementation of this? With particular reference to the followingGeneral access and user experience.Auth...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

I am having trouble accessing my canvas on my desktop. I can access it on my mobile device but not my desktop. This just randomly happened as I have been using canvas on my desktop before. When I try to access my canvas, the page just looks like its ...

  • 2 Replies

I am a student who completed my own discussion post but now I need to respond to another student's response. I wait and wait and wait for the others to load but there is no option on ANY of them to "reply". I have to reply to complete the course but ...

  • 1 Replies

My display name shows my middle name. How can I change it to just my first and last name instead?

  • 3 Replies

Can I change the font on my Canvas Dashboard to make it more legible? I can barely see it!

  • 1 Replies

I came to canvas to study negotiation course lee kuan yew school of public policy. How to find this school in canvass

  • 1 Replies

hello, I was enrolled in a course that is still going on I had logged in this morning and the course was there and I could access it and then I just logged on again and it says I am not enrolled in any courses and the course has disappeared. I need t...

  • 2 Replies

Can I use pages for location for students to submit student work privately?

  • 1 Replies

I start teaching a new summer course tomorrow and no one seems to know how to delete last year's (different instructor) syllabus, modules, etc. so I can populate with my own files.

  • 1 Replies

We have created a student (A) using his email address but the student name was wrongly entered. The wrong name belongs to another student (B) with a different email address. When we search under the "People" tab, only student B appears & we cannot fi...

  • 3 Replies

I wanted to give more feedback to my students. That is the big challenging part for me, because that's time consuming because of 200 plus students enrolled in this course and sometimes when I communicate with the students and create one generating em...

  • 1 Replies

I already have a parent's canvas account and 2 kids enrolled in Hillsborough county schools. When I log into canvas I cannot see either of their grades from end of school year. I do not see anything, its completely blank. Their account info does not ...

  • 1 Replies

Recently I have noticed that when I create a assignment and allocate it to a section, some things are acting up.I edit the settings, assign it to the students, publish it, the when I look at the assignment is requires me to select a group before I ca...

  • 2 Replies