How do I use my institution's Catalog?
Canvas Catalog courses and programs are easily searchable. You can use the Search field on the home page, or just browse the catalog listings.
- The steps for searching and viewing a course or program listing are the same regardless of catalog design. Your catalog view may be customized for your institution.
- You may need to log in to Canvas before you can view your institution's Catalog listings.
Open Catalog

In a browser window, type your institution's Catalog URL in the address field.
View Catalog Listings Page
The Catalog listings page displays your institution's catalog icon [1].
You can access the student dashboard and the Canvas dashboard, and you can log out of your account from the User drop-down menu [2].
The listings page also displays all courses and programs offered by and available for enrollment at your institution [3].
- The catalog icon is static and displays throughout the catalog. To return to the listings page at any time, click the icon.
- If you have not logged in, the User drop-down menu is replaced by a Login link. Learn about logging into Catalog.
- If you are visiting a catalog for the first time, you may need to register for a Canvas Catalog account.
- The appearance of the Catalog Listings page may vary depending on the platform version or any custom styling applied through website code, such as CSS, JS, or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Search and Filter Listings
To search for a specific listing, add text in the Search field [1].
To search for listings by category, click the Category drop-down menu [2]. Then select a category from the list.
View Refine Listings Options
To refine the displayed listings, click the Refine drop-down menu [1].
To filter the displayed listings, select from the following filters:
- Free [2]: View only listings without an enrollment fee.
- Paid [3]: View only listings that require payment to enroll.
- Open Enrollment [4]: View only listings with currently open enrollment options.
- Certificate [5]: View only listings that offer a certificate upon completion.
To sort the displayed listings, select from the following sort options:
- ABC [6]: Sort the displayed listings in alphabetical order.
- Start Date [7]: Sort the displayed listings by start date beginning with most recent.
- $-$$$ [8]: Sort the displayed listings by lowest to highest price.
- $$$-$ [9]: Sort the displayed listings by highest to lowest price.
View Listing Types

Catalogs can display two listing types.
Individual course listings display the Course icon [1].
Multiple courses bundled into one listing display a Program icon [2].
View Listing Card

Each listing card displays the listing name [1], and a short description [2]. Listings may also display your institution, department, organization, or team logo [3].
You can also view the listing duration [4]. Some listings may begin on a certain date, some may only be offered during a specific date range or include a time limit, and some listings may be self-paced without start or end dates.
If the course requires a fee or offers credits, you can view the cost to enroll in the listing [5] and the number of credits offered upon completion [6].
To view expanded details for a listing, click the More icon [7].
Note: For programs, any credits shown are the cumulative of all courses included in the program.
View Listing Details
The listing details page displays the listing title, duration, and number of credits offered upon completion [1].
A description of the course displays [2].
If a student cap is set, the number of spots remaining displays [3].
To go directly to the enrollment page for an individual listing, click the Enroll Now button [4]. If the listing includes an enrollment fee, the fee displays on the Enroll Now button.
To add the listing to your shopping cart and continue browsing, click the Shopping Cart icon [5].
To purchase bulk enrollments , click the Bulk Enrollment icon [6].
View Related Listings
If you view a course that is part of a program, the program name displays on the listing's details page. To view details about the program, click the program name link.
If you view a program, the program's included courses display on the listing's details page. To view details about a course, click a course name link [2].