How do I add a Curriculum Map in Portfolium?
Curriculum maps allow you to see which learning outcomes and course templates are aligned in your account. A curriculum map can help you visually plan out a path for students to achieve learning outcomes in courses and programs in your account.
When an instructor claims a course template, the aligned outcomes will already be populated in the course for them and you will be then able to track progress of those outcomes.
Open Assessments

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Curriculum Maps

In the Assessment Sidebar, click the Curriculum Maps link.
Add Curriculum Map

Click the Add New Curriculum Map button.
Enter Name

To enter a name for the curriculum map, type in the Name field.
Add Terms

To add a term to the curriculum map, click the Add Term button [1] and select a term from the Terms drop-down menu [2].
Save Curriculum Map

Click the Save button.