How do I score an assignment in a course in Portfolium Course Assessment?
When students submit assignments, you will be able to view and score their submissions. While reviewing and scoring a student's submission, you will be able to leave internal notes for reviewers only, score the assignment according to the assignment's settings, and leave feedback for the student.
If the assignment was not quite complete and the student needs to make corrections, you can request revisions. Requesting revisions will notify the student, along with your feedback, of things to correct and then allow them to resubmit the assignment.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Course Assessment

In the Assessment Activities sidebar, click the Course Assessment link.
Open Assignment
By default, the course will open to the Assignments page. Click the name of the assignment you want to score.
Score Assignment
Locate the student whose submission you would like to score and click the Score button.
View Submission

In the Submission pane, you can view details about the submission, including the submission name, the student's name, the due date, and the date the assignment was submitted [1].
If the student uploaded a supported file type, you can view the file in the document previewer [2].
You can also view the student's description of the project [3], download a copy of any uploaded materials [4], and view the skills attached to the assignment [5].
View Scoring Information

In the Scoring sidebar, you can grade the assignment. To add notes for reviewers only, click the Show internal notes checkbox [1]. Internal notes will not be visible to students. To show the student feedback comments, click the Show student feedback checkbox [2].
Score the assignment according the assignment's scoring settings [3].
If you have enabled student feedback, add your comments in the Student Feedback field [4].
Submit Score

When you have entered your scoring information, click the Submit Score button [1].
If you would like the student to correct any errors and resubmit the assignment, click the Request Revisions link [2]. The student will be notified you have requested revisions and will see any feedback you include for the revision request.
- If the course has multiple assessors, the Request Revisions option will not be available
- You cannot request revisions after the assignment has been graded.
- If you have already requested a revision, you can still grade the assignment.
- Once an assignment has been graded, students cannot resubmit their work.
Confirm Score Submission

To confirm your score, click the Submit Score button.