How do I set permissions in Portfolium as an admin?

If you are an administrator in the Portfolium assessment tool you can edit permission settings for other users in your account. Currently, permissions are available to customize access and management for Assessment and Folio Management options.

Open Folios

Open Engagement

In the Toolbar, click the Folios icon.

Open Educators

Open Educators

In the Folios Navigation menu, click the Educators link.

View Permission Settings

On the Educators page, you can see available permissions and the permission status for individual users.

Enabled permissions display a checkmark icon [1] and disabled permissions display an X icon [2].

Select User

To edit a user's permissions, click the checkbox next to the user's name [1] and then click the Update Permission button [2].

Update Permissions

Update Permissions

In the Permissions window, you can see available permissions. To enable a permission, toggle the button to the right [1]. To disable a permission, toggle a button to the left [2].

When you have finalized the user's permission settings, click the Save User Permissions button [3]. 

Note: If you change a user's permissions, the user will be logged out of their current session.