How do I view and manage users in Portfolium as an admin?
You can view a list of educators in your account, as well as a directory of all users. The Educators page allows you to view and edit assigned permissions for faculty and administrators in your account.
Open Folios

In the Toolbar, click the Folios icon.
Open Educators

In Account Navigation, click the Educators link.
View Educators
On the Educators page, you can view a list of all faculty and administrators in your account. Each row includes the educator's name [1], title [2], role [3], status [4], and assigned permissions [5].
Manage Educators

To manage options for an educator, click the checkbox next to the educator's name [1]. You can send the educator a message [2], update their permissions [3], or remove their access to the account [4].
Filter Educators

You can filter the educators page by user role or status. To filter the educators page, click a filter button [1] and then select an option from the menu [2].
Open User Directory

In Account Navigation, click the User Directory link.
View User Directory
The User Directory displays a list of all users in the account. Each row includes the user's name [1], major [2], graduation year [3], and user role [4].
Manage Users
To manage a user, click the checkbox next to the user's name [1]. You can send a message to the user [2] or revoke the user's access to the account [3].
Filter Users

You can filter the User Directory by major, graduation year, or role. To filter the User Directory, click a filter button [1] and then select an option from the menu [2].