How do I add an assignment to my course?
After you have claimed a course, you can add assignments to the course. Assignments help you assess student knowledge and learning, and the work students submit to your course will help them build their portfolio.
Note: You can add up to 30 assignments to a template or course assessment.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Course Assessments

In the Assessment Activities sidebar, click the Course Assessment link.
Add New Assignment
By default, your course will open to the Assignments tab. Click the Add New Assignment button.
Add Assignment Details

Enter details for the assignment. In the text fields, enter an assignment title [1] and instructions for students [2].
In the Skills field, add skills the students will learn while working on the assignment. Type the name of a skill in the Skills field [3] and then select the skill when it displays in the search results [4]. The skills you add will display in the student's Portfolium profile.
Add Due Date

Click the Due Date field to open the calendar [1]. Click the date the assignment is due [2], and then use the arrow buttons [3] to adjust the time the assignment is due.
Add Learning Outcomes

To add an outcome to the assignment, click the Add Outcome button [1]. You can select an outcome from the institution, program, or course level. Click the desired level tab [2], then select an outcome from the list [3].
Select Category

Click the Category drop-down menu to view a list of categories, or type in the search field [1] and then select the Category from the displayed results [2].
Set Assignment Scoring

In the Assignment Scoring section, click the radio button next to the scoring type you would like to use for the assignment. Available scoring types include:
- Rubric [1]: Grade submissions using a rubric already added to your account.
- Numeric [2]: Grade submissions by typing in the student's grade, out of 100 possible points.
- Star Rating [3]: Grade submissions using either a three- or five-star scale.
- Letter Grade [4]: Grade submissions using a standard Letter Grade scale.
- Pass / Fail [5]: Grade submissions as either pass or fail.
- Some scoring options will include additional options for you to confirm.
- Once a student submits work to an assignment that has a rubric, you can no longer add rubric criterion, levels of achievement, or change rubric rating values.
View Advanced Options

To adjust visibility settings for the assignment, open the Advanced Options section [1]. In each visibility section, click the radio button next to the desired visibility setting. Available project visibility options include:
- Publish student work after submission [2]: the project the student submits for the assignment will be published to their profile immediately after they submit.
- Keep student work private after submission [3]: the project the student submits will be kept private after they submit.
- Student work is sensitive and cannot be shared [4]: the project contains sensitive data (such as lab research including patient data) and will not be shared to the student's portfolio, and the student will not have the option of later changing the project visibility.
In the Grade Visibility section, you can select to allow students to view their grade [5] or hide grades from students [6].
Create Assignment

Click the Create Assignment button.