How do I submit a pathway requirement as a student?
To complete a pathway milestone, you need to submit and complete all the milestone requirements. The pathway coordinator may select from several different milestone requirement types, including project, experience, badge, completed pathway, or existing assignment.
Experience requirements do not accept submissions and can only be marked complete when scored by a pathway reviewer. Earned badge and pathway completion requirements are automatically marked complete when the designated badge or pathway is earned.
Open Tasks

In the Toolbar, click the Tasks icon.
Open Pathway

Click the name of the pathway.
View Requirement

Locate the milestone, and then click the requirement name.
Start Requirement
You can view the requirement instructions [1]. When you are ready to start working on the requirement, click the Start Requirement link [2].
Enter Requirement Details
Enter details according to the requirement type. Learn more about submitting the different requirement types.
Preview Submission
Depending on the requirement type, you may be able to preview how others will view your submission.
To return to the editor, click the Back to Editor button.
Submit Requirement

To save your work and submit later, click the Finish Later button [1].
To submit your work, click the Submit Requirement button [2].
Confirm Submission

Click the Submit button.