How do I add an existing assignment as a requirement to a milestone?
When adding requirements to a milestone, you can select an existing assignment from a course template. To complete the requirement, students will submit to the assignment.
To select an assignment as a requirement, the assignment must previously be created in the course template.
Open Pathways

In the Toolbar, click the Pathways icon.
Edit Pathway

Click the Edit Pathway button.
Open Milestone

On the Define milestones & requirements tab, click the name of the milestone.
Add Requirement

Click the Add a Requirement link.
Name Requirement

Enter a name for the requirement. The Existing Assignment Name field has a 50 character limit.
Select Course Template

Select the course from which you want students to submit an existing assignment. Click the Course Template drop-down menu [1] and select a course [2].
Select Course Assignment

To select an assignment, click the Course Assignment drop-down menu [1] and select an assignment [2]. Assignments are filtered based on the selected course template.
Set Acceptance Threshold

To set the score a student must earn to complete the requirement, enter the score in the Acceptance Threshold field.
Set Due Date

You can optionally set a due date for students to submit the assignment. Click the Due Date field [1], and then use the calendar to select a date [2] and a time [3].
Add Badging

If you want to automatically issue a badge to students on completion of the requirement, click the Optionally select a badge to award upon completion of this requirement link.
Add Requirement

Click the Add Requirement button.
View Requirement

View the added requirement.
To edit the requirement, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the requirement, click the Delete icon [2].
To add additional requirements to the milestone, click the Add a Requirement link [3].