How do I create a program assessment?
Program Assessments allow an institution to measure the effectiveness of their learning programs. Before adding artifacts and reviewers to an assessment, it's important to set your assessment strategy. While setting up a program assessment, you will consider anonymity of student artifacts and how to distribute reviews among reviewers.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Program Assessments

In the Assessment Activities sidebar, click the Program Assessment link.
Add New Program Assessment

Click the Add New Program Assessment button.
Add Assessment Details

In the Assessment Details page, type a name [1] and description [2] for the assessment.
Select Program

Assign the assessment to a program. Click the Program drop-down menu [1] and select a program from the menu [2].
Set Student Anonymity

Evaluators will typically review student submissions to determine the effectiveness of a program. To allow evaluators to see student names when viewing artifacts, click the Show student name to reviewer radio button [1]. To hide student names from evaluators, click the Keep student name anonymous radio button [2].
Set Review Strategy

You can set a review strategy for the assessment by defining how many reviews will be completed for each artifact and how reviews will be distributed among reviewers. Available single review strategies include:
- Single review, unassigned [1]: In this strategy, a single review will be required for each artifact and reviews will not be pre-assigned among reviewers. This is a first come, first served strategy and some reviewers may complete more reviews than others.
- Single review, pre-assigned [2]: In this strategy, a single review will be required for each artifact and reviews will be distributed evenly among reviewers. In this strategy, a total of 100 reviews divided between 10 reviewers would assign 10 reviews to each reviewer.
Set Multiple Review Strategy

You can also set a review strategy to have multiple reviews per artifact. Available multiple review strategies include:
- Multiple reviews, comprehensive [1]: In this strategy, every reviewer can review every artifact.
- Multiple reviews, pre-assigned [2]: In this strategy, the coordinator will set how many reviews are required for each artifact and the total number of reviews will be divided evenly amongst reviewers. If there are a total of 100 artifacts, with 2 reviews per artifact, and 5 reviewers, the 200 total reviews will be divided equally and each reviewer would complete 40 reviews.
Create Program Assessment

To save the program assessment, click the Create Program Assessment button. The next step is to create a collection.