How do I add course templates to the assessment library?

Before faculty can claim courses in Canvas Outcomes Assessment, the course templates must be created in the Assessment Library. Only administrators can add course templates to the assessment library.

Open Assessments

Open Assessments

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.

Open Courses

Open Courses

In the Assessment Sidebar, click the Course Templates link.

Add New Course Template

Add New Course Template

Click the Add New Course Template button.

Enter Course Name

Enter Course Name

In the Name field, enter a name for the course.

Select Department

Select Department

To help organize your account, you can assign a course to a department. Click the Department drop-down menu [1]. You can search for a department in the search field [2] or select a department from the list [3]. If you have not yet added departments to your account, click the Create New Department link to add a department [4].


  • Assigning a course to a department is optional.
  • Currently, you cannot edit or delete a department or move a course to a different department once the course has been saved.

Enter Course Details

Enter Course Details

In the Course Code field [1], enter a code for the course. The Course Code is a short code to help identify the course.

In the Description field [2], enter a description for the course.

Add Learning Outcomes

Add Learning Outcomes

You can add learning outcomes to your course to use in assignments.

To add a learning outcome, click the Add Outcome button [1]. In the outcome tray, you can select from outcomes added to your account at the institution, program, or course level [2]. Click the corresponding Level tab to view outcomes at that level. Search for an outcome using the Search field [3] or select the outcome from the list [4].

Note: Outcomes must be added to the account before they can be added to a course.

Add Course

Add Course

To save the course, click the Add Course Template button.

View Course Templates

You can view the added course on the Course Templates page. Each course displays the course code [1], title [2], description [3], department [4], and number of assignments [5].

To edit an individual course, click the checkbox next to the course code [6]. The selected course can be deleted, edited, filtered by claimed courses, or claimed by faculty [7].