How do I create a Portfolium Course Assessment LTI assignment in Canvas as an instructor?
If your Canvas admin has added the Canvas Outcomes Assessment Grade Exchange LTI tool to your Canvas account, you can create a Portfolium Course Assessment assignment in your course. Students will be able to access the assignment through Canvas and create a project in the Portfolium Network to submit.
Open Assignments

Click the Assignments link.
Add Assignment

Click the Add Assignment button.
Enter Assignment Details

Enter details for the assignment.
Set Submission Type

In the Submission Type drop-down menu, select External Tool [1] and then click the Find button [2].
If you want the assignment to load in a new tab, click the Load in a new tab checkbox [3].
Select Grade Exchange

In the list of external tools, click Canvas Outcomes Assessment Grade Exchange [1].
Click the Select button [2].
Save Assignment

Add due dates and availability dates to the assignment [1].
To publish the assignment to students, click the Save and Publish button [2]. To save the assignment as a draft, click the Save button [3].
Open Outcomes Assessment

If you set the assignment to load in a new window, click the Load [Assignment Name] in a new window button.
If you have already created the assignment in Portfolium Course Assessment, click the Select Existing Assignment tab [1] and select the assignment. Otherwise, scroll down in the Create New Assignment tab [2] to enter the assignment details.
Set Scoring Options
Set a scoring type for the assignment [1], and confirm additional scoring and visibility options [2].
Create Assignment

Click the Create Assignment button [1]. If you want to save a draft of the assignment, deselect the Publish Immediately checkbox [2].