How do I view pathways I am enrolled in as a student?
You can view pathways you are enrolled in on the Tasks page. Pathways are guided learning journeys made of milestones. To complete a milestone, you must complete all of its associated steps and requirements. Once you complete all of the milestones and requirements in a pathway, the pathway displays as completed. You can view your completed pathways in your portfolio. Additionally, some pathways include a completion badge which also display on your portfolio.
Open Tasks

In the Toolbar, click the Tasks icon.
View Pathways
On the Tasks page, you can view all the pathways you are enrolled in. Each pathway includes the pathway name and description [1], the number of milestones [2], the number of requirements [3], and a bar indicating your progress in the pathway [4].
To open a pathway, click the pathway name.
Open Pathway
On the pathway page, you can view the network that created the pathway [1], the pathway description [2], and the number of milestones and requirements [3].
View Milestones

The Earning Path is a visual path of milestones and requirements needed to complete the pathway. You can view pathway milestones, including the milestone name, number of requirements, instructions, and skills [1]. You must complete milestones for the pathway to be marked complete.
You can also view milestone requirements [2]. Requirements are tasks that you must complete in the milestone. To view requirement details or submit the requirement, click the requirement name or the Get Started link [3].