How do I add comments to a progress report?

After an Admin has created progress reports for a school, teachers at the school can enter comments for the students in their classes. At the beginning of each academic term, teachers receive an email notification reminding them to add comments to progress reports.


  • Teachers may enter comments in Spanish or English. Other languages and Emojis are not supported.
  • To enter comments, your Mastery Connect account must be configured with a SIS integration.
  • After an administer generates a progress report, the term closes and teachers can no longer enter data. To reopen a progress report for comments, an administrator may reopen the progress report.

Open Tracker

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. Then click a tracker name link [2].

Open Progress Reports

Click the More Options button [1]. Click the Reporting option [2], then click the Progress Reports link [3].

View Available Progress Reports

View Available Progress Reports

In the Progress Reports Available page, you can view progress reports that are available for comments [1] as well as the term they cover [2]. You can also view the trackers used in the progress report [3].

Enter Data

Enter Data

To view previously entered comments or to enter new ones, click the tracker's Enter Data button.

View Student List

View Student List

The Students tab displays all the students in the tracker by student name [1] and Student ID [2].

To view a student report, click the student name [1].

To change the sort order of students, select one of the following options from the Sort drop-down menu [3]:

  • Last, First - Lists students alphabetically by last name, comma, then first name.
  • First Last - Lists students alphabetically by first name followed by last name.
  • Student ID - Lists students in numerical order by Student ID.

To sort in reverse alphabetical or reverse numeric order, click the A-Z drop-down menu [4] and select the Z-A option.

View, Edit, or Enter Comments

To the right of a student's name, you can view one line of previously entered comments in the shortened Comments field [1]. To expand the Comments field, click anywhere in it.

To add new observations, notes, or commentary, enter text (Spanish or English) in the expanded Comments field [2]. Changes save automatically.

To return to the list of available progress reports, you can click the Progress Report List button [3]. Or, to open a different active tracker, click the Trackers drop-down menu [4] and select another tracker.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Changes save automatically, but when you're done entering comments, you may also click the Save Changes button.