How do I find and view assessments for a custom report?
When adding assessments to a custom report, you can select from your district's list of benchmark or formative assessments.
To more easily find an assessment in a list, you can filter, search, or change the sort order. The custom report assessment lists also display and allow you to access information about available assessments.
Learn more about creating custom reports.
View Custom Report Assessment Window
Depending on the type of assessment you select, the custom report Assessments window displays a list of your district's benchmark or formative assessments [1].
You can find specific assessments using the search, filter, and sort options [2], and you can view the list of benchmark or formative assessments [3].
Find Assessments
To search for a specific assessment, type in the Search field [1]. Then press Enter or Return on your keyboard or click the Search button [2].
To filter the assessment list to display assessments by creator, click the Created By drop-down menu [3]. You can filter by assessments created by you, teachers you're following, teachers at your school, teachers at your district, and MasteryViews.
To filter the assessment list to display assessments by status, click the Status drop-down menu [4]. You can filter to view assessments all assessments, or by assessments that are available, unavailable, and scheduled.
To filter the assessment list to display assessments by subject, click the Subject drop-down menu [5].
The page filters for formative assessments differ slightly from the page filters for benchmark assessments. To filter the benchmark assessment list to display assessments by school year, click the Expand icon [6]. Then click the School Year drop-down menu [7].
To filter the formative assessment list to only display district-approved resources, click the District Approved Assessments checkbox [8].
By default, the assessment list displays assessments by most recently created. However, you can sort the list to display by most used. To sort the assessment list, click the Sort by drop-down menu [9].
View Assessment Details

The Assessments list displays the following columns:
- Name [1]: the assessment name, associated subject(s), grade level, and related standards. To view the assessment, click the assessment name link [2].
- Created [3]: the assessment creation date.
- Used [4]: the number of times the assessment has been used in a report.
- Delivery Status [5]: the assessment availability status. An assessment may be unavailable [6] or available [7], and may display the assessment status [8] or availability date range [9].
- Data Status [10]: the assessment data availability. Assessments without data display a No Data icon [11]. Assessments with data display a Has Data icon [12].
Note: For an assessment to have data for a report, it must be private to the school or district creating the report. If the data status shows No Data, or if the assessment does not display, the assessment creator must edit the assessment and make it private.
View Additional Assessment Information

To view additional information about the assessment, hover over the assessment name [1].
To preview the assessment in your browser, click the assessment name link [2]. You can also view an assessment preview [3], the assessment creator [4], and assessment details [5].
To view class- or core-specific standard details, click the Related links [6].
To view and edit details for an associated standard, click the standard link [7].
Note: You can also view and edit details for an associated standard by clicking the standard link in the assessment list [8].
View and Customize Standard
The Standard Details window displays the standard category [1], and the standard description [2].
To customize or reword the standard description, type in the Customize/Reword Standard field [3].
To save your edits, click the Save button [4].
To close the window, click the Close icon [5].