What is the Student Report?

A Student Report summarizes a student's performance and mastery levels in a tracker. As performance and mastery data is updated in the tracker, student reports update with the most current performance and mastery data. You can view student reports for the current school year or from a previous school year, and you can students' current or past proficiency levels.

You can view student reports as a teacher and as an administrator. The Student Report page lists the standards in a tracker and includes report navigation options, a student mastery summary chart, and a set of tools for interacting with the report. From the Student Report page summary, you can use these tools to view individual standards and detailed proficiency data.

As a teacher or an administrator, you can send student reports to students' parents to be viewed in the Parent Portal.

View Student Report

The Student Report page displays the student's first and last name [1], navigation options to view the student's other trackers or to view reports for other students [2], and a list of the standards in the tracker [3].

The Student Report sidebar displays a Mastery Summary section [4], and a list of Student Report interaction tools [5].

View Student Report Navigation Buttons

View Student Report Navgation Buttons

The Student Report navigation buttons allow you to view other trackers [1] and view student reports for other students [2].

Open Tracker List

Open Tracker List

To open the Trackers page and view a list of all your trackers, click the Tracker List button.

Open Tracker

Use Student Report Navigation Buttons

To open the current tracker, click the Tracker button [1].

To view a drop-down list of all your active trackers, hover over the Tracker drop-down menu [2]. To open a tracker in the list, click the tracker name link [3].

Open Student Report for Another Student

Use Student Report Navigation Buttons

To open a student report for another student enrolled in the current tracker, hover over the Student Name drop-down menu [1]. Locate the student name in the drop-down list and click the student name link [2].

Notes: To view Student Reports that were imported via SIS from a previous year, you must manually add the student  to a tracker.

Open Other Tracker for Student

Use Student Report Navigation Buttons

To view a student report for the other trackers that the current student is enrolled in, hover over the Other Trackers drop-down menu [1]. Locate the tracker in the drop-down list and click the name of the tracker [2].

Notes: To give another teacher access to your tracker's Student Reports, you must add the teacher as a collaborator to the tracker.

View Standards

By default, the Student Report page displays a condensed view of each standard, including the standard name and short description [1].

Alternatively, the expanded view displays a more detailed description of the standard and completed assessments within that standard [2]. To view additional details about a completed assessment, including assessment questions, answer key, item analysis, and student answers, click an assessment preview icon [3].

To view all standards in expanded view, click the Expand All icon [4]. To collapse all standards in condensed view, click the Collapse All icon [5]. To expand a single standard, locate the standard in the list and click the Expand icon [6].

View Mastery Summary

View Mastery

In the Mastery Summary section, the ring graph displays the proportion of students who fall within each mastery level differentiated by color sections within the ring [1]. The percentage in the middle of the ring is the percent of graded assessments in the tracker that fall into the topmost mastery level [2].

Below the ring graph, a list displays the percent of assessments that fall into the Mastery level, Near Mastery level, and Remediation level [3]. You can also view the percentage of standards that have been assessed out of the total number of standards available [4].

View Student Report Tools

View Student Report Tools

You can access the Student Report tools on the Student Report page sidebar. You can print the report [1], view additional report details [2], email a report link to the student's parents [3], add teacher notes about students or to parents [4],  view or upload student files [5], and export the student report as a CSV file [6].