How do I export a student mastery summary report?
In the Mastery Connect Student Report page, you can export a CSV-based report that displays a list of current mastery and assessment results for all standards assessed for an individual student.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers tab [1] and then click a tracker name [2].
Locate Student

In the tracker student list, click a student's name.
Export Report

In the Student Report page, click the Export Report button.
The CSV downloads automatically and can be opened from the download file in your computer.
View Exported Report
The report header displays the student ID number and name, the tracker subject and grade, and the teacher name [1].
Overall mastery displays [2]. The following rows display the standard ID [3], current student mastery [4], and assessment scores [5] for each standard in the tracker.
Note: If there are collaborators on the tracker, their names also display in the header.