How do I export the student list as a CSV or XLSX file in a tracker?
You can export a tracker student list as a CSV or XLSX file from the tracker report options. The exported file includes students' first names, last names, and student IDs. The exported file can also include text-to-speech tool settings and dictionary settings. No other tracker data is included in the student list export.
Exported student lists sort students alphabetically by last name. Before exporting the report, you can specify the student name order as First Name, Last Name or as Last Name, First Name. You can also choose to include column headers and specify the exported file type.
Open Tracker
In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Trackers link [1]. In the Trackers page, click a tracker name link [2].
Open Reporting Options

Click the tracker More Options icon [1], and click the Reporting link [2].
Open Export Students

Click the Export Students link.
Export Student List

A student list export includes the names and student IDs for each student in the tracker.
By default, the export will list students alphabetically by last name. However, you can configure the report to display student first names first or student last names first. To specify the order in which student names display in the list, click the Column Order drop-down menu [1].
To select the exported file type, click the File Type drop-down menu [2]. You can export the list as a CSV or an XLSX file.
To include column headers in the export, click the Include Column Headers checkbox [3].
To include each student's text-to-speech tool settings, click the Include Text to Speech checkbox [4].
To include each student's dictionary settings, click the Include Dictionary and Picture Dictionary checkbox [5].
Click the Export button [6].