How do I align an outcome with a rubric in an account?
You can align any outcome in your account to a rubric. Rubrics are used to help students understand expectations for an assignment and how their submissions will be graded. Outcomes can be aligned with a rubric for additional assessment and measurable performance.
To align an outcome, the outcome must already exist for your account. Learn how to create account outcomes.
- Outcomes can be added to rubrics, but rubrics cannot be added to outcomes.
- Rubrics cannot be edited once they have been added to more than one assignment in a course.
- If the steps in this lesson do not match what is displayed in your account, learn how to align an outcome with a rubric in the Enhanced Rubrics interface.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Rubrics

In Account Navigation, click the Rubrics link.
Open Rubric

Click the name of a rubric.
Find Outcome

Click the Find Outcome link.
Import Outcome
Locate and select the outcome you want to align [1]. If you want to use the criterion for scoring, click the Use this criterion for scoring checkbox [2]. Click the Import button [3].
Note: Available outcomes may vary by institution.
Confirm Import

Click the OK button.