How do I create or manage question banks in an account?

After you create Question Banks in your account, you can delete, edit, and bookmark them as needed. Bookmarking a question bank allows users to quickly identify favorite or frequently used Question Banks.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Question Banks

Open Question Banks

In Account Navigation, click the Question Banks link.

Edit Question Bank

Edit Question Bank

To change the name of the question bank, click the Edit icon [1].

To edit, add, or delete questions from the question bank, click the question bank name [2]

Bookmark Question Bank

Bookmark Question Bank

Click the Bookmark icon. Question banks that are already bookmarked show a white x in the bookmark icon.

View Bookmarked Banks

View Bookmarked Banks

To view bookmarked question banks, click the View Bookmarked Banks button.

Delete Question Bank

Delete Question Bank

Click the Delete icon.

Confirm Deletion

Confirm Deletion

Click the OK button to delete the question bank.