How do I share a New Quizzes item bank from a course with an account?
As a Canvas admin, you can share a New Quizzes item bank from a course with your entire account if the Item Banks - manage accounts permission is enabled. If the Item Banks - share with sub-accounts permission is enabled, you can share a New Quizzes item bank with sub-accounts that you are associated with.
Note: In order to view all account item banks, users must have the Item Banks - account manage permission.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Open Quiz

Click the title of any New Quizzes assessment in the course.
Open New Quizzes

To open the New Quizzes build tool, click the Build button.
Open Item Banks

To open the Item Banks sidebar, click the Item Banks button.
View Item Banks

To filter by all banks, account item banks or banks shared with the course, click the Item Banks drop-down menu [1].
To search for a specific item bank, type a keyword in the Search field [2].
To sort item banks by item bank name, date last used, or date last updated, click the Sort by drop-down menu [3].
Share Item Bank

You can share an item bank with users, courses, and sub-accounts [1].
You can set access to Can view, which allows users to view item banks in a read-only state, or Can edit, which allows users to view and edit the item bank.
To share the item bank with specific users, courses, or sub-accounts type a user, course, or sub-account name in the Share With field [3].
To set access settings you're sharing with, click the Access drop-down menu [4]. You can set access to view or edit.
To share the item bank with the specified user(s) or course(s), click the Add button [5].
Note: When the Item Banks - Share with Sub-Accounts permission is enabled, you can share to sub-accounts.
Save Item Bank Share

To save the sharing settings, click the Close button.