How do I enable the New Analytics Online Attendance report in an account?
As an admin, you can enable an Online Attendance report for courses that have enabled New Analytics. Once it is enabled, you can select attendance criteria from the Online Attendance Report settings.
The Online Attendance report displays students as present or absent based on whether they have met any of the selected attendance criteria on a given day.
- The Online Attendance report cannot be managed at the sub-account level.
- Data is refreshed in New Analytics every 24 hours. Please confirm the time data was last updated in the course, as content may be outdated compared to recent course activity and student submissions.
- The Online Attendance criteria can be set for a course by a teacher if the teacher role has the Manage LTI permission enabled.
Open Settings

In Account Navigation, click the Settings link.
Open App Settings
In the External Apps list, locate the New Analytics app [1]. Click the Settings button [2] and select the Configure option [3].
Configure Online Attendance Report
The Online Attendance settings display in the page [1].
To enable the Online Attendance report, click the Enable Online Attendance Dashboard button [2].
To allow instructors to set attendance criteria at the course level, click the Allow instructors to set Online Attendance Criteria at the course level button [3]. Additionally, the teacher role must have the Manage LTI permission enabled.
To select the criteria that determine online attendance, click the Attendance Criteria checkboxes [4]. You can select the following criteria:
- Course Access: student views a page in a course
- Posts: student posts a new comment to an announcement or a discussion
- Assignments: student submits an assignment
- Collaborations: student loads a collaboration to view/edit document
- Conferences: student joins a web conference
- Pages: student creates a page
- Quizzes: student starts taking a quiz or submits a quiz
If a student meets the requirements of any selected criteria, they will be marked as present for that day in the Online Attendance report.
To save your Online Attendance settings, click the Save Settings button [5]. To close the settings window without saving, click the Close button [6].
- The Conferences criteria only applies to BigBlueButton conferences.
- The Quizzes criteria only applies to Classic Quizzes.