How do I create or manage question banks in an account?
You can create and manage questions banks for your institution or subaccount. Question banks are quiz question repositories that admins and instructors can access when creating a quiz. They make it easy to offer the same quiz questions to students in different courses.
After you create question banks, you can delete, edit, and bookmark them as needed. Bookmarking a question bank allows users to quickly identify favorite or frequently used question banks.
Note: If you are using New Quizzes, you can learn about creating or managing New Quizzes item banks.
00:07: How do I create or manage question banks in an account? 00:11: In global navigation click the admin link then click the name of 00:15: the account. 00:17: In account navigation click the question Banks link 00:21: The account question Banks page lists existing account question Banks To 00:26: view bookmarked Banks click the view bookmarked Banks button 00:31: To bookmark the question Bank to your user account so you can view it when accessing other 00:35: courses click the bookmark icon. 00:39: To change the name of a question Bank. Click the edit icon. 00:44: To delete a question Bank. Click the delete icon. 00:48: Click the okay button to delete the question Bank. 00:52: To add a question Bank. Click the add question Bank button. 00:57: Type the name of the question Bank in the bank name field Press return 01:01: on a Mac keyboard or enter on a PC keyboard to 01:05: create the question Bank. 01:08: To edit add or delete questions from the question Bank. 01:11: Click the question Bank name link. 01:15: Use the buttons in the sidebar to add content to the question Bank. 01:19: You can add a question edit the bank name move questions. 01:23: Delete the bank or align the bank to outcomes. 01:27: View the questions in your question Bank to view question details click 01:31: the show question details checkbox. 01:35: This guide covered how to create or manage question banks in an account.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Question Banks

In Account Navigation, click the Question Banks link.
View Existing Question Banks
The Account Question Banks page lists existing account question banks [1].
To view bookmarked banks, click the View Bookmarked Banks button [2].
Bookmark Question Bank

To bookmark the question bank to your user account so you can view it when accessing other courses, click the Bookmark icon.
Note: Question banks that are already bookmarked show a white x in the bookmark icon.
Edit Question Bank Name

To change the name of a question bank, click the Edit icon.
Delete Question Bank

To delete a question bank, click the Delete icon.

Click the OK button to delete the question bank.
Add Question Bank

To add a question bank, click the Add Question Bank button.
Add Bank Name

Type the name of the question bank in the Bank Name field. Press Return (on a Mac keyboard ) or Enter (on a PC keyboard) to create the question bank.
Open Question Bank

To edit, add, or delete questions from the question bank, click the question bank name link [2].
Add Content to Question Bank
Use the buttons in the sidebar to add content to the question bank. You can add a question [1], edit the bank name [2], move questions [3], delete the bank [4], or align the bank to outcomes [5].