How do I disable Canvas media uploads in the Rich Content Editor?

As an admin, you can disable Canvas media uploads in the Rich Content Editor. This option allows institutions to remove the native Canvas media icon in the toolbar in favor of using external apps for media hosting.

Note: Disabling Canvas media only applies to accounts and courses that have enabled the Rich Content Editor.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Account Settings

Open Account Settings

In Account Navigation, click the Settings link.

Disable Media Uploads

In the Settings tab [1], click the Disable uploads to Canvas Media from the enhanced rich content editor checkbox [2].

Update Settings

Update Settings

Click the Update Settings button.

View Rich Content Editor

View Rich Content Editor

When Canvas media uploads are disabled, users cannot access the Insert Media tool from the toolbar or menubar in the Rich Content Editor [1].

If the option to Disable Canvas media uploads is not selected, users can access the Insert Media tool from the toolbar or menubar in the Rich Content Editor [2].