How do I add a passage to an item in Mastery Connect?
Using the Item Editor, you can add one or more passages to an item in Mastery Connect. A passage is a selection of content such as text and images. A passage displays alongside an item so that students can read it while answering the item.
Note: You can only add existing passages to an item. Learn more about creating a passage.
Open Items

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link.
Open Item Editor
To open the item editor, create a new item or edit an existing item.
To create a new item, click the Add Item button [1]. Learn more about creating an item.
To edit an existing item, click the name of the item [2]. Then, click the Edit button [3]. Learn more about editing an item.
View Passages
In the Add Passage window, you can view the titles of all available passages in alphabetical order [1]. The currently selected passage content displays in the preview window [2].
Sort Passages

To change the sort order of the passage titles, click the Sort drop-down menu [1]. Then, select one of the following sort options [2]:
- Alpha (A-Z): displays passage titles in alphabetical order.
- Alpha (Z-A): displays passage titles in reverse alphabetical order.
- Created (Oldest First): displays passage titles in order by creation date, beginning with old passages.
- Created (Newest First): displays passage titles in order by creation date, beginning with new passages.
- Grade (K first): displays passage titles in order by grade in ascending order, beginning with kindergarten passages.
- Grade (CCR first): displays passage titles in order by grade in descending order, beginning with College and Career Readiness (CCR) passages.
Find Passage
To locate a passage by grade level, you can filter the list by clicking the Grade Level drop-down menu [1] and selecting a grade.
To search for a passage by title, enter one or more words in the Search field [2]. You can search for a passage by any words included in the passage title.
Add Passage
To select a passage to add, click the passage title [1]. Then, click the Add Passage button [2].