How do I use the equivValue mathematical scoring method when creating a math item?
When you create a math item in Mastery Connect, you can select one of the available mathematical scoring methods. The equivValue scoring method checks that the student response and the correct answer entered by the author are mathematically equivalent. It is similar to the equivSymbolic scoring method, but can be used with units of measure and does not work with variables.
Use the equivValue scoring method when the exact form of the mathematical expression is not required and units are involved. For example, if the correct answer is 6mm, the student response can be .006m. Refer to additional examples below.
The equivValue scoring method supports additional options that let you override default scoring rules and requirements.
- equivValue works with decimals, fractions, and percentages.
- equivValue does not work with variables.
- equivValue works with units of measurement. The following are supported as units: g, cg, kg, mg, nmg, m, cm, km, mm, nm, s, cs, ks, ms, ns, L, mL, in, ft, mi, fl, cup, pt, qt, gal, oz, and lb.
- equivValue works with trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential expressions.
- equivValue allows parentheses, trailing zeros, and zeros before a decimal point are allowed. For example, if the correct answer is 4, a response of (4) or 0.4 or .40 are also scored as correct.
- equivValue can also handle the validation of a range of values, using the plus-minus (±) tolerance symbol.
- You can combine the equivValue scoring method with other scoring methods.
Create Math Item

Create or edit a math item. Learn more about creating a math formula item, image cloze math formula item, or cloze math formula item.
Enter a question stem in the Compose question field [1].
Enter an optional formula template in the Template field [2].
Select Method

In the Set correct answer(s) section, click the Method drop-down menu, and select the equivValue option [1].
Note: To view the Method drop-down menu, you may need to click the response Expand icon [2].
Set Correct Answer

Enter a point value for the item in the Point(s) box [1].
Enter a correct answer in the Value field [2].
A student response is scored as correct only if it is entered exactly as it appears in the Value field, or if it is mathematically equivalent. For example, if the correct answer entered into the Value field is 15in, a student response of 1ft+3in is scored as correct.
A correct answer may include parentheses, trailing zeros, and zeros before a decimal point. Student responses that are mathematically equivalent are scored as correct. For example, if the correct answer is 4, a student response of (4) or 0.4 or .40 are scored as correct.
Select Additional Options

You can use the following additional options with the equivValue method:
- Significant decimal places [1]: Allows answers to be correct using a minimum number of decimal places. For example, if the correct answer is 1/3, the equivValue method requires at least 10 significant digits after the decimal by default. Therefore, .3333333333 is scored as correct, but .33 is scored as incorrect. However, you can allow .33 to be correct by entering 2 into the Significant decimal places field.
- Compare sides [2]: Compares two constant equations, when both sides of an equation have not been fully specified, such a math cloze item with three response fields: {{response}} + {{response}} = {{response}}. By default, any expression that is mathematically valid will be scored as correct, even if the value entered is different from the correct answer. However, you can enable Compare sides option to ensure that the response given is symbolically equal to the correct answer.
- Ignore text [3]: Ignores LaTeX text entered in the answer. For example, if a student enters 10/sqrt and Ignore text is enabled, it is scored as 10.
To enable an option, click its checkbox [4].
Allow Separators

You can allow student responses to contain separators such as dots, commas, and spaces. By default, a decimal dot separator is allowed in student responses. To allow thousands separators or to change the decimal separator allowed, click the Allow decimal marks checkbox [1].
To specify a decimal separator, click the Decimal separator menu [2], and select the Dot or Comma option.
To specify a type of separator for thousands, click the Thousands separator drop-down menu [3], and select the Dot, Comma, or Space option.
Note: You cannot select the same option for both the Decimal separator and the Thousands separator. For example, you cannot select Dot for both.
- If the correct answer is 1m, student responses that are equivalent to 1 meter are scored as correct, such as 100cm and 1000mm.
- If the correct answer is 7, a student response of 3+4 is scored as correct.
- If the correct answer is 4, a response of 3+1 is scored as correct.
- If the correct answer is .5, a response of 0.5 is scored as correct.
- If the correct answer is .5, a response of .50 is scored as correct.
- If the correct answer is (3+1)+5, a response of 3+1+5 is scored as correct.
- If the correct answer is 1/3, a response of .3333 is scored as incorrect.
- If the correct answer is 2342, a student response of 2,342 is scored as incorrect, unless you enable the Allow decimal marks option.
- If the correct answer is 1/9, a student response of .111 is scored as incorrect, unless you set the Significant decimal places option to 3.
Validate Answers

To preview the item interaction, enter an answer in the response field [1]. Correct answers receive the full number of points [2].

Incorrect answers receive 0 points.
Note: Answers must use supported unit abbreviations.