How do I add passages from purchased item banks to items I author in the Item Index?

In Mastery Connect,  if your district has paid item banks, you can add passages from purchased items to items you author to your writable item bank(s) from the Item Builder.  


  • You can also add paid passages to items you author in the assessment builder.

Open Item Bank

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link [1].  

By default, your personal item bank should be selected. If it is not, click the More Options arrow [2]. Then, click the [Your Name] Bank link [3].  

Note: Items that you create in your personal item bank will automatically become available in the district teacher bank when you publish them.

Add Item

Click the Add Item button.

Enter Item Details

Enter Item Details

Enter a name for the item in the Title text field [1].

To select an item type, click the Question Type drop-down menu [2] and select an item type from the list.

Select a subject, core, class and standard for the item from the drop-down menus [3].

To create an item that aligns with multiple standards, click the Add Another Standard icon [4] and add the additional information.

By default, English is selected as the language for the item. If you are creating an item in Spanish, click the Language drop-down menu and select the Spanish option [5].

To add optional Blooms Taxonomy, Difficulty, and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) information, click the drop-down menus [6].

To compose the item, click the Continue button [7].

You can learn more about composing a specific item type.

Add Item Content

The item bank item editor displays navigation links to the item banks [1] and the select item bank [2]. It also displays the item's name [3].

Use the content editor to enter all the item content for the type of item you are creating [4]. For more information about additional authoring options, click the Authoring Help icon [5].

You can validate the item interaction and score in the item preview space [6].

You can add a feature to the item such as a passage or a question-level tool [7].

After entering item content, you can save, publish, or reserve the item [8].

Validate Answers

Validate Answers

To preview the item interaction, select various answers in the item as a student might [1].

To view correct and incorrect answers, click the Show Answers checkbox [2]. Correct answers display a check mark [3]. Selected incorrect answers display an X [4], unselected correct answers are highlighted yellow.

The number of points awarded for the item as answered in the preview window over the number of points possible display in the scoring bubble [5].

Add Optional Features

Add Optional Features

To add optional features to the item, click the Add Feature button [1] and select the features from the drop-down menu [2]. Learn more about adding passages and other features.

Note: The Desmos calculators are only available in districts that have paid Desmos subscriptions.

Save or Publish Item  

To save the item as a draft and keep editing enabled, click the Save As Draft button [1]. When you save an item as a draft, it can be edited and deleted in your personal item bank and by admins in the district teacher item bank.

To disable editing and share the item with teachers in your district, click the Publish button [2]. When you publish an item, it displays in the district teacher item bank and is available to all users in your district. You can delete the item from your personal item bank, and admins can delete the item from the district teacher item bank.

To delete the question and return to the Create New Item page, click the Go Back button [3].