How do I add a calculator, ruler, or protractor to an item through an item bank in Mastery Connect?
When creating or editing an item in Mastery Connect, you can add one or more item-level tools. You can add a Mastery Connect calculator, a Desmos calculator, a ruler, or a protractor.
- Teachers can also provide students with tools at the tracker level or at the assessment level. An administrator can provide tools for a benchmark assessment.
- When the Include question level tools option is enabled for a tracker or assessment, item-level tools are available in addition to the tracker-level and assessment-level tools.
- Item-level tools display in the main body of an item.
- The Desmos calculators are only available in districts that have paid Desmos subscriptions.
Open Items

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link.
Note: You can also add item-level tools to an item within an assessment. Learn more about adding a calculator, ruler, or protractor to an item within an assessment.
Open Item Editor
To open the item editor, create a new item or edit an existing item.
To create a new item, click the Add Item button [1]. Learn more about creating an item.
To edit an existing item, click the name of the item [2]. Then, click the Edit button [3]. You can learn more about editing an item.
Select Tool

From the Add Feature drop-down menu, select any of the following tool options to add them:
- Calculators [1]: Mastery Connect Basic, Extended, or Scientific calculators.
- Desmos calculators [2]: If your institution paid for Desmos calculators, you can add the Desmos Scientific, Desmos Four Function, Desmos Graphing, or Desmos Matrix calculator.
- Rulers [3]: 6 inches, 12 inches, 15 centimeters, or 30 centimeters.
- Protractor [4]: standard protractor.
Add or Delete Tool

To add or delete a tool, click the tool toggle on or off.
View Tool Icons

Icons for added tools display on the item.