How do I create a graph plotting item?

In Mastery Connect, you can create a graph plotting item. A graph plotting item asks a student to add points, lines, parabolas, etc. on an interactive graph in response to a stimulus.

You can create any item type through the Item Editor. You can also use the Item Editor to add passages, add item-level tools, and save the item. To open and use the Item Editor, learn more about:

Enter Question

In the Item Editor, enter the question or prompt for students in the Compose question field [1].

Enter minimum and maximum parameters for the x and y axes in the Graph Parameters boxes [2].  

By default, in the Tools section, Button 1 is designated as the Point icon, and Button 2 is designated as the Move icon. To delete these selections, click a Delete icon [3]. Alternatively, you can click a Button drop-down menu and select a different tool type from the list [4].

To add a new tool, click the Add button to open a new Button text box and select a tool from the drop-down menu [5].

To add a set of tools, click the Add Group button [6].  

In the Default tool text box, Point is set as the plotting tool that will be enabled when the question displays. To change the default, click the Default tool drop-down [7].

Set Correct Answers

In the Set Correct Answers section, enter the number of points awarded in the Points box [1]. Then, click to select the correct answer points on the graph [2].

By default, graphing questions use exact match scoring. To avoid validation issues if duplicate shapes are entered, select an option from the Ignore repeated shapes drop-down menu [3].  

To view additional formatting options, click the More Options drop-down menu [4].

Validate Answers

To view the item interaction in the preview window, plot points on the grid. Then, click the Show Answers checkbox [1].

Correct answers display a check mark [2]. Incorrect answers display an X [3].

The number of points awarded for the item as answered in the preview window over the number of points possible display in the scoring bubble [4].